Anyone else suffer with M.E and peri-menopause?
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Hi all,
I am 49, was diagnosed with M.E/CFS three years ago, have been reasonably lucky in that I have been able to change my job and work role to accommodate symptoms etc and up until a few months ago felt in control of the illness. Then other new symptoms arrived on the scene, namely extreme anxiety, headaches, nausea, hot flushes etc. My periods are all over the place and my sleep is disturbed in that I am jolted awake each morning with palpitations, and a dreadful feeling of anxiety. Seen my gp who says sure I am going into menopause but wants to check my head with a ct scan as most days I wake with a headache and extreme nausea.
If this is ok I am going to try some HRT because I feel absolutely awful, never suffered with anxiety before and I feel it is affecting my whole life at the moment.
Any other me suffers gone or going through menopause? Am starting to feel unable to cope and that is not like me.
Jane xx
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maria101 jane95685
Guest jane95685
maria101 Guest
tracey88366 jane95685
monique_93857 jane95685
brendababy jane95685
I could write here all day the symptoms I've had for over 1 year but I have all the symptoms you have hand except for the hot flushes, don't seem to be bothered by them
I thought I had beat ME but oh my it has came back big time, it's a nightmare, I think having this condition has heightened all of the meno symptoms
My neck is badly affected and also my balance, feel off balance all the time, now the anxiety and tension in my neck is preventing me from moving it naturally I think this is just making things worse and causing terrible headaches
I've beat this before and lived a pretty normal life with a very demanding job. I've had to resign from my job now things got so bad but I'll be back, just need to get through this hormone imbalance
I'd also like to say I've been on tibolone HRT for nearly 4 months don't feel any different except my migraines are more frequent and I'm very sensitive to the side effects of medication which my dr thinks is all in my head but I know it's real
I'm 52 now was diagnosed with ME 2001, was very ill for a couple of years then I had therapy which explained what ME is and j got better, never looked back until 2011 where u relapsed due to suffering from severe stress, again recovered then hormones changed, my mum passed away more stress hence more severe symptoms
If you need to discuss or ask anything feel free to contact me Jane and I'll be happy to help if I can
Chin up things WILL get better
jane95685 brendababy
I too had my M.E. under control and then hormones!!, I feel really dissapointed that all symptoms have returned and then some!
I have a part time job which I can usually cope with but am struggling at the moment which makes me sad. Just need to accept this is temporary and i am not alone, this forum is a life saver.
jane x
looloo43 jane95685
fiona69095 jane95685
Keep going. Hard to do but we have no other choice.
There must be an end to it, like puberty.