Anyone else with sore muscles & joints??
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I'm having a peri-freak out!! Does anyone else wake up with a sore elbow, knee, hip etc..? Yesterday it was my knee and today it is my arm. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this already but sometimes it's just so reassuring asking you ladies questions and getting a response, it helps me calm down a lot :-)
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dora_39625 klm1213
Yes!! I find I get sore calf muscles while walking.. .also get pain in wrists and arms 😂 it's awful!
I've started taking a vitamin D and Calcium combo vitamin. Hoping it will help.
tina00239 klm1213
Hi there, in answer to your question, most of us going through this process have had niggly aches and pains anywhere and everywhere on our bodies, so don't worry what you are going through is a normal symptom of this horrible but unavoidable process. X
lisa68384 klm1213
Yes!! One day it's my knee, then an elbow, then my calves, then a wrist. Sigh. I like to analyze everything and am always searching for the "why". Was tested for nearly everything to rule out other options. Hard to believe hormones can do all this but but it's true. Hang in there friend. We'll gimp along with you 😊
CarolKelso klm1213
Ladies... I've tried tuneric and this has helped with a stiff sore back... Look it up on Amazon and check reviews... Again I take lots of vitamins.. Bde, cod liver oil magnisium and hrt.. 2mg... Hope this helps.. Ck
MsHui klm1213
katyD211 klm1213
Hi, sister-friend...
I totally understand how getting reassurance from others who can actually empathize, calms you down. I am the same way.
Yes! I have found that on the morning after the nights that I actually slept more than 4hours without waking, I DO wake with a sore hip, or elbow or shoulder or neck. Always on the aide I've slept on. I'm guessing it's from not rolling over or moving about while sleeping.
My first thought is always something sinister, (another fun side effect of this time of life- anxiety!) but after prayer and moving around, I'm usually fine after about 30 minutes.
jody63150 klm1213
Sochima822 klm1213
helen45602 klm1213
michelleTexas klm1213
Oh yes!! I wake up everyday now with hurting hips, even in the night it wakes me up when I turn over. Then off and of I wake up with what feels like a sprained ankle (never had one in my life) and then it get better later in the day. Also my wrist has been hurting too.
I feel like a huge weight is bearing down on me, and I'm heavy and walk in a fog. I just feel SO tired, like a ton of bricks for no reason.
Is this menopause???
I have been diagnosed already, but didn't this was from menopause.