Anyone feel like this
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Hi all, if not wrote for a while as was feeling so much better but do continue to read your posts. Today for the first time in months I have felt like a low sugar feeling would feel like, a bit shaky and off balance. I've had a bad headache all day so don't know if that's contributed to the way I feel but it's unsettled me now and fear I'm going backward. I stared peri in 2012 and had 2 1/2 yrs solid of horrendous symptoms but feel I'm so much better until today. Have any of you lovely ladies felt this. I still have so many of your symptoms you discribe but there not taking over my life like they used to so I must say to all you have hat are sufferering now it will improve and I think we learn to live with some as we have no option. Sending lots of love and hugs to all fellow sufferers xx
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maria_03422 anxiousface
I can relate to this. Last year around October start feeling much better and out of sudden 5 months later I start feeling horrible again!! Yesterday was the first time I felt good for a long time!!
I agree with you after all those years dealing with all the horrible symptoms we got used to most of them
Hope for you won't linger around for months this time
Feel better!
anne29714 anxiousface
hi i had 4 years of symptoms and 2 years of horrendous periods and i was having periods nearly every couple of days with just a few days break in between and
thought i was going mad. then i haven't had a period for 8 months and then monday it came back with a bang so feeling down now.
juanita93228 anxiousface
I get it. Here lately I haven't needed my anxiety meds on a daily basis. I'll go months feeling great and then all of s sudden I feel like crying, or if a symptom pops up, Im' sure I'm dyng from some dread disease! My hemorrhoids were bothering me and I was sure I had anal cancer.. Why do our minds go to the worst possible scenario?
anxiousface juanita93228
This is a reply back to all who replied to my post of yesterday. Thank you so much I understand how your feeling. Today I'm a different person I feel really good lv done my days work I've been to the gym which I couldn't even of considered yesterday so again I'm going to take each day as it comes and if I'm feeling good then I can do so much more and I should make the most of it cos I don't know what the next day brings as things happen to me randomly. Ladies just enjoy and relish your good day and try and get through the horrid ones, I know it's a struggle but we do get used it and your right our minds do go to the worse ever scenario. Chin up ladies be strong, sending you all an enormous comforting hug x
juanita93228 anxiousface
Thank you and you're so right. When we have the good days we should enjoy them to the max!! When we we have the not so good ones, we can push through and pray the next day will be another good one. God bless and keep on pushing through! We are not alone!