Anyone feel their eyes are being twisted ?

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hello fellow sufferers ive had this eye pulling feeling for so long now, mostly in the afternoons. Met a friend today at our little village coffee shop but the whole time there I felt slightly dizzy and anxious to leave when I should of really enjoyed seeing her, I’d taken the afternoon off work and not seen this friend in years but really don’t know why I bother arranging anything as I feel I’m going to be like this forever. Do you think this is anxiety ?? Although I shouldn’t be anxious It was a walk way from my house and I know my friend. I’ve had a sinus infection for the last two weeks which has made me feel 10 times worse than usual, my husband said to me the other day that when I get ill I appear to go into panic mode in case I go back to 2012 when this all started and I was in peri with horrendous symptoms. OMG to be a women it’s just not fair is it 😩😢🤦???Xx

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi anxiousface, I write my symptoms down daily because I had a hysterectomy years ago and have no periods to tell me where I'm at with my cycle, so everyday I write my symptoms and every month I look back and I can see what comes back like clockwork even to the day... I write down exactly how you just described it eye pulling!!!! I get it every month for 4 or 5 days then it leaves and returns the next month, I don't know what it is but feels like my eyes are being pulled, very weird. I also get the dizzy off balance with it especially when turning to quick or looking up.. I always thought I was the only one to get this, so your not alone in this one, take care?

    • Posted

      Hello gypsy thank you so much for your speedy reply I thought I was the only one too as it’s a weird one isn’t it. I used to write everything down too then stopped when I was feeling better but Inow things are back I’m going to do the same as you and see if I get this eye pulling at the same time next month although I must say it appears to have been with me for some time now and espeacially when I’m eating my meal in the evening 🙁 I too get dizzy and off balance which then makes me anxious, oh dear what are we to do with ourselves , I would of gone ga ga if it wasn’t for this forum as I have no one else to talk to. Bless. You gypsy I’ll chat again soon but off to bed now to dream of being normal🤪x

  • Posted

    Hello anxiousface

    I get the eye pulling thing too - right eye.  Went to options and she said it was to do with the muscle at the back being tired and it was because one eye is compensating for the other one, so I got glasses for reading.  £149 thank you very much - should have gone to Specsavers LOL.

    Pop along to your options and see what they say, you might have glasses already - maybe need a new prescription? 

    Hope you feel better soon.



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