Anyone get depressed?
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I am 44 years old and have had several trips to the doctor with irregular periods starting at age 43, nothing came back on ultra sound and everything looked good, was not diagnosed with pre. However I would go for 11 days, 15 days, 3 day's sometimes just spotting. but now I have started May 19th stopped for 6 days and now have been on ever since. I am passing blood clots, several some as big as golf balls, some as small as a dime. very scary. I feel, weak, have passed out three times, starting having very vivid dreams, get the urgency to pull up stakes and leave. I dream of tranquility and find myself wanting it. (only problem is, the problem will follow so that's no good). I've been miserable for months now. I don't know who I am anymore. The mood swings are horrible. I want nothing to do with my husband or family. I avoid calls from any of my family, kids, mom, sister. Who am I?
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julesmsw Malesia
Ditto stuff here. I'm 46. Not much mood stuff for me, but alot of anxiety. Passionflr has been my bff for over 4 yrs
Woo3353 Malesia
This sounds familiar I have had periods exactly the same since April although no clots but sometimes heavy sometimes light.
I eventually went to see the doctor had a biopsy done which was OK but I have been left with severe depression and having to take prozac.
It sounds like peri to me so I would go and see another doctor preferably a woman if you can.
If you don't treat the anxious feelings they can get worse as mine did
I know it seems hopeless but don't despair, hormones thrive on upset and stress so try to keep calm
metamorphed Malesia
maria101 Malesia
Hi Malesia, I had those clots like you lot of gushing when I move unfortunately I had a small fibroid and since had out now 3 years ago
Periods have stop now but not yet in post
Take it easy one day @ time they will calm down with time
And that goes for everything else, I do get fed with my big head and unbalance feeling I have had crap after crap gong and coming
But I'm getting through it and we will one day wake to be us again you will be fine.
shirl15546 Malesia
I had blood work this past week to see if I was peri menopause. It came but negative. But I have read it takes several blood tests to get an accurate reading because one minute hormones can be normal next minute they can be out of whack. I am the same way I use to talk to my sister several times a day and enjoyed it. Now when she calls I'm like omg I don't want to talk. These are horrible mood swings
sue58256 Malesia