Anyone have any idea on how to stop or help with tingling extremities?

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Hi lovely ladies x

I have tingling in my hands and feet that is driving me crazy (along with all the other peri symptoms) just wandered if anyone knows of the reason why or has tried something that helps x

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I have been suffering with tingling throughout my body for roughly six months and have had many peri menopausal symptoms for over a year.  Stevo make sure you get your bloods checked for vitamin deficiencies as they can cause tingling.  According to a neurologist that I saw, tingling can be caused by chronic stress and insomnia makes it worse.  I hope that you feel better soon.  Kind regards.
  • Posted

    I have no idea if there is any validity here, but I once heard  a gynocologisy say that tingling is created by estrogen leaving the cells.

  • Posted

    Hi Have you had the doctor confirm these symptoms' are defiantly peri menopause? I ask as I have similar but ls up through ankle and forearm, ive been doctor who initially checked me for a stroke, before referring me to a neurologist at no time as the doctor referred it all as possible menopause .

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