anyone having problems with spots
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hi iv been going through peri for a few years now im 48 iv had every symptom exept now got tons of spots like im a teenager. i havnt had a period now since october and i havi g mild hot flushes at moment but also i sweat alot in day. iv gone theough every symptom from hair loss to months of periods none stop and then regular light periods to now none at moment. im looking older put weight on my belly lost other placer and now iv got spots alover my neck and face i feel ugly old and podgy i also have insomnia and tierdness through day. i did get palpatations they stoped and also dizzyness thats stoped, now i get period pains no period and no libido gone off my husband and now ugly with it gosh. hate meno .
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debbie12340 d19606
Yes now get spots like a teenager ! Never had them when I was one though ? Seems like another hormonal problem. My symptoms sound very similar to yours. Also have dizziness and the one I hate the most, hair loss . . . I did it so distressing. Been taking Biotin for nearly a year and Nourkrin for 6 months. Have you found anything to help ? Deb X I’m in the U.K. so won’t be able to reply till tomorrow now x
d19606 debbie12340
hi im in uk to. in bed being missrable as im tierd out but cant sleep.🙁
debbie12340 d19606
Deb x
d19606 debbie12340
lisa67356 d19606
They are not like acne with puss they have water in them and itch
I went to see a dermatologist had all sorts of creams and now I think it is linked to my menopause
I am back to the dermatologist next month so will see what they say but I agree with every other symptom the spots is horrible make me feel ugly and low
anna42582 d19606
Hi There,
So sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time. Yes, I know exactly how you feel, the first time I saw spots on my face I cried, felt ugly & depressed. I’ve been in Peri for nearly 5 years now and have gone through most of the symptoms, going through the sweats stage now, my anxiety has also come back because of Peri. I also know how you feel re the low / non existent libido, unbelievable!!! These horrible symptoms hopefully won’t last forever but know that you’re not alone, we’re all here for you.
Sending big hugs 🤗
clare4444 d19606