anyone on lansoprazole for reflux?

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I went to my Dr cos I've been having acid heartburn for the last month or so. My anxiety was high before peri but is ridiculous now and I got really worried cos of all the press coverage about cancer if you have heartburn for 3 weeks or more. My gp has ordered heart tests to rule out anything cardiac and given me lansoprazole to try and didn't seem in the least bothered about how long id had heartburn! Has anyone tried these tablets, I'm a bit scared to take them incase they mask something nasty and the side effects seem quite bad. If anyone can help cos I'm really worried. Thank you. X

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17 Replies

  • Posted


    Sorry to hear about your pain and worry.

    I have lived with IBS for about 10 years -various symptoms - various meds.  It recently flared up very badly alongside panics sweats etc.  I have had lots of tests all neg.  I feel that it is important that you get the right support both physically and emotionally. I have asked for loads of help from friends and family and am not afraid to say how I am feeling.  I am currently doing a combination of food diary, vits and minerals, yoga and trying to acknowledge what is happening without it running away with me.

    My thoughts go out to you

    • Posted

      Thank you.

      I have had IBS for several years too.

      My GP isn't supportive and always has that 'not you again' look on his face when I see him. I've struggled with a severe health anxiety for almost 25 years and I've got to the point where it feels like everyone has had enough of me and don't take me seriously. My family are there for me, I know that, but it still feels like I'm on my own when it comes to my health. Thank you again for your support, it means a lot. Xx

  • Posted


    I'm post menopausal...and have had " In-digestive"  probs for some years ( largely due I believe to years is shift work ) am in the middle of hospital investigations currently so will let you know.....but am getting some releif from a product called "Symprove" it's a liquid probiotic being sponsored by take it first thing in the morning before even your first hot drink....helps IBS sufferers put "good gut bacteria" back inside you....Google it for research....

    certainly improved my indigestion !  Good luck. 

  • Posted

    I was suffering badly with acid reflux especially at night it was awful was given tablets by my doctor and now absolutely fine these adverts to nothing but scare everybody my doctor even said that.
  • Posted

    Heartburn is not a direct sign of cancer. If you are in peri, as am I, then that is more than likely the culprit. I didn't have heartburn/indigestion until I was in peri. So try not to worry because that will only make things worse. Hope this helps.
  • Posted

    Hi Lisa,

    I am taking these for heartburn also,I've been on them for a few months

    now, I couldn't do without them now. When I first got a months supply

    and then they finished all my symptoms came back again within a week,

    I now get them on repeat prescription.

    Take care x

    • Posted


      Thank you for your reply.

      Have you had any side effects from them?

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa,

    I have had no side effects with these. You should try them and see how u

    feel, maybe stay in the house the first time incase they give you the runs. I know a lot of people who are on them and none of them has had any

    side effects on them, but everyone is different.

    Good luck and I hope you get on all right with them


    • Posted

      I feel a bit easier about trying them now. Thank you, its good to talk to someone who's taking them xx
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      Iv been taking them for about 2 years now & no side affects, I couldn't do without them now as they work so well, hope you feel better soon x

    • Posted

      Thank you

      I'm so glad I found this forum, everyone is so supportive. Xx

    • Posted

      Hi there. I had major painful heartburn last night.  Most likely from too much tomato juice I had.   I took Tums which are for heartburn and are over the counter.  They are new kind called Tums Fresheners for heartburn relief and are new antiacid relief chews and wow within minutes I was relieved.  xxoo
  • Posted

    Hi Lisa, I had heartburn,and pains in my chest, went to docs and she gave me these, all symptoms went straight away, I've had ecg today, which doc wanted just to check heart etc, but all ok, I would say give them a try, 

    hope they help you 


    • Posted

      Hello. Gill

      It was chest pain and burning that drove me to the Dr. I've got to have an ecg on Monday to check things out as well. I'm definitely going to give them a go.

      Thank you. Xx

  • Posted

    Yes--I have taken those for many years after putting up with the reflux for many years. The drug works very well and you will get relief in a day or so. If it's not caused by stomach acid regurgitation, I doubt the drug could mask any other type of problem as it inhibits the production of these acids.

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