Anyone out there past menopause?
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I think we need to hear some encouraging words from those on the other side of menopause (although they probably don't need to visit this site anymore. The women I know who are 57 plus seem fine and I don't hear all of the complaints about hot flashes, migraines etc. Perhaps they have just learned to live with the changes. My hope is that my body goes back to that calm stage before I turned 12 (except when pregnant or on the pill). Ever since then it has been a monthly roller coaster. This is like the finale!
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jamie53221 Marinab
rachel333 Marinab
Life is fab ,. I go out more, can do more things ..good luck it wont last for ever x Rachel
junieju rachel333
Did you take isoflavon supplements ?
sn21848 junieju
I tried that but it didn't have enough boost and if I used the soy while it boosted is some it made my digestive issues worse. I do flax seed meal and fresh chinese yam which makes my skin look good but not my overall feeling. Without estrogen I feel like I have the flu. And now my uterine tumor is growing. plus my body sort of strongly dislikes progesterone. I think my bodies sensitive nature throws a money wrench but the good things as when I went off my estrogen I had all the symptoms of osteoporosis without it being full blown. Usually people who have osteopenia don't have symptoms.
junieju sn21848
Not sure if it does anything.
sn21848 Marinab
I am 57 and I guess I haven't reached a good place yet. Never quite recovered and when I try to go off HRT quite miserable. Just found out i have osteopenia.
The positives from going through this rough patch:
You find out who your real friends are. The ones who don't give you any grace either flake off or you have to cut them off.
It hastened the end to my marriage which had become very dysfunctional. Since I could barely take care of myself and my ex husband didn't have the ability to help me through it I realized if my health really went down hill then I was out of luck.
I started eating a lot better because I had no choice. I have no wiggly room to be stupid.
I realized that I have to advocate for me when it comes to my medical care.
I have to exercise even if I don't like it and because of the fatigue it has been hard.
Therapy is necessary.
In my misery I found new things to make me happy. While laying in bed I found korean dramas on Hulu and got addicted. When I need to shut out the world some I go to my dramas.
From the kdramas I discovered Kpop and korean rock and rap. Yes this 57 year old is into kpop. At first I was one of the few older people now I am finding more and more of us. And I get to hang out with younger people who don't throw me under the bus. They actually think I am cool and want to be like me when they get old. Started going to kpop concerts and it gave me the energy to keep going. I can scream at a concert and no one cares.
Now I organize for a kdrama group where the majority of members are 40 to 18 with a few members around my age.
So I guess my bad menopause and post menopause rebooted my life. I am still in the struggle but not quite the same person as before.
maria76995 Marinab
Hi Marinab, all I could tell you yes the menopause gets better with time and will get over it..I know it's not easy you will get through it,transition is long process because our bodies are drastically going through a change..if you are in peri menopause your hormones will be up and down until your periods stop then it gets much worst and as time go on it the starts settle down, always remember everybody timing is different nothing is for ever just bite through it..these horrible symptoms are just here to scare us not kill us..I had so much crap that frighten me out my sleep along with my heart pounding I still get hot but not freezing anymore sleep,has return all that tingling is gone on top of crazy head feelings so please do try and keep calm be kind to yourself and you will get through this monster pause soon ((((((HUGS))))))
paisleygirl Marinab
hi I am 61,years old and ten years post meno things are so much better now for me especially this last couple of years I still get the idea flash but all the heart thumping with palpitations is gone my anxiety levels have dropped significantly and sleep for the most part has returned for me ...I had the Peri menopause from hell and thought I would never be done yes there is hope for all of us so hang in there better days will return 😊
junieju paisleygirl
Did you take anything, or change your diet to help with symptoms?
Marinab paisleygirl