Anyone prescribed anti-depressants for their symptoms?

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My GP and I are currently at an impasse with respect to SSRIs to help with my anxiety....he wants me to take them, and I'm stubbornly refusing. I'm just curious to know if anyone on here is taking this type of medication and, more importantly, is it helping with your physical anxiety symptoms? I'm not looking for an answer, per se, just interested to know if anyone else is in the same situation and if medication has helped you. (I am taking low-dose birth control pills, as my OB/GYN thought they might help, but so far I've not noticed any improvement...and I also have an "as-needed" sedative, which I'm using sparingly).

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there I'm also having a real bad time with physical symptoms of anxiety and I'm citalopram I started on 5 mg and have just started taking 20 mg they say I need to be on the higher dose for a good few weeks and it's only been a week as I am still suffering. Badly with the shakes and weakness etc also been given HRT though that's only been 2 weeks so I'm not sure I am only praying these things work for me as have been signed of work they do say they take time to work and they can make anxiety worse at first it took me weeks to start taking them hope you work it out give them a try x
  • Posted

    Hello Wearykitty,

    I was prescribed an SSRI for anxiety and after 3 months, I can't say it's done much in a positive way. Actually, it increased the anxiety, which is expected, for a week or so.

    Just like you, I was relucant to take them, I have heard some success stories, I am  just not one of them.My next step is to wean off these and try exercise, yoga and faithfully take my supplements on a regular basis.  

    Everyone is different so what may work for one doesn't work for another. Will be so happy to be viewing these days in the rear view mirror, eventually!

    Wishing you the best. smile

  • Posted

    Has he said which and/or for how long?

    I take Seroxat - aka Paroxetine for PTSD and it does help

    • Posted

      He suggested fluoxetine (generic for Prozac) at 20mg/day for "at least" two months....I tried citalopram (Celexa) earlier this year with horrific results (side effects), so I'm very anxious about trying something else....if I'm going to take it, I'd prefer to start at a lower dose and work up to something larger, but he won't prescribe lower than this....I just feel so indecisive!!!
    • Posted

      That one does not mention anxiety only depression and panic attacks - Fluoxetine is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder (including pediatric depression), obsessive-compulsive disorder (in both adults and children), bulimia nervosa, panic disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In addition, fluoxetine is used to treat trichotillomania, (compulssive hair pulling), if cognitive behaviour therapy has been unsuccessful
    • Posted

      Bit of info about the particular one I'm on - Paroxetine (also known by the trade name Paxil among others, mine is Seroxat) is an antidepressant drug of the SSRI type. Paroxetine is used to treat major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and vasomotor symptoms (e.g. hot flashes and night sweats) associated with menopause
  • Posted

    Hi wearykitty, i also went to my gp today about my anxiety and she also wanted to put me on ssris. i feel the same as you, i don't want to take them.  she said that you get 2 tipes of depression, 1 where you feel low about yourself and the other where you get anxiety attacks. I spoke to another pharmacist today who said you can feel anxious but not be depressed and then ssris won't work. the pharmacist said i must just go on with the vitamins i am using because i am not using them long enough to get the full effect. i think we must make a choise between the 2 because the ssris will also take 3 weeks before you can feel anything.

    hope you feel better soon


    • Posted

      Bit of info about the particular one I'm on - Paroxetine (also known by the trade name Paxil among others, mine is Seroxat) is an antidepressant drug of the SSRI type. Paroxetine is used to treat major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and vasomotor symptoms (e.g. hot flashes and night sweats) associated with menopause
    • Posted

      Something I forgot to add was that Paroxetine was the first antidepressant formally approved in the United States for the treatment of panic attacks.
    • Posted

      Hi Nonnie. I get the anxiety,never had depression,I was told in meno ,your either one or the other ,but it's rare to have both in meno.

         I'm on B12 Jay suggested ,started one of those women I get more  anxiety from those meds,it's heightened more.What suits one don't suit the next,down to genes and hormones inherited .Wish all calmer days meds ,or Vits.

  • Posted

    Citalopram can make anxiety worse before it gets better but it depends how bad your anxiety is, gives you awful side effects and these are dreadful even when you wean off it slowly! I would try yoga and CBT as these were beneficial to me without all the horrible effects
  • Posted

    Hi i had really bad anxiety,and had to have 3 months of work.I was put on anti depressant lexapro,and an anti anxiety tablet antenol.I am back at work  and feel so much better,so i wouldnt be without my medication.I also take magnesium,b6 and vit c and an iron tablet.I was so scared i didnt no what was happening to me,but im so glad the doctor helped me,good luck
  • Posted

    Hi! I take paxil, 20mg. I feel much better on this medication. I was taken 10mg for 20 years due to PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Perimenopause elevated my problems terribly. Been having my meds adjusted for a year now. Was up to 40mg plus Busparone. That made me very sleepy all day long. Off busparone now, and 20mg paxil. I take supplements too, including black cohosh. Everyone responds differently to meds, best to start low dose and see a therapist too. Talking therapy combined with medication can be very successful. Wish you luck! smile 
  • Posted

    Thanks, all, for your replies....I have an appointment with a new therapist on Tuesday next week...I've tried CBT in the past with fair amount of success and I'm hoping it will work well this time....I also started a yoga class last night and am continuing to work on my mindfulness and breathing exercises....and a thirty-minute power walk every day....I'm going to give all of these a chance before I make a decision about the medication...I'm not sure why, but the thought of taking medication causes more anxiety for me than I'm able to manage at the moment, so I doubt I'd be able to give it a fair chance if I started now.....I have a feeling that some of the side effects I experienced while taking citalopram earlier this year were the result of my reading about them....ugh.

    At any rate, hugs to all....hope you're having good days xx

    • Posted

      That's awesome! I go for walks every day. I will look into yoga. I need the peacefulness it provides. Do what you are comfortable with. Drugs or not. So long as you start to feel better. 

      Hugs to you, Karen smile 

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