Anyone realised how much this is costing us

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Hi lovelies, I was just thinking how much this is all costing some of us. We have to pay for sanitary products for 39yrs for me then peri menopause you buy all these supplements  and treatments recommended etc then going into menopause it’s HRT , meds for depression or anxiety if your on it. If I didn’t work full time I’d struggle to afford this. AND all we go though it’s just not fair, just because we can pro create 🐣👶 x x

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I know what you mean I am on hrt patches + I take vitamin supplements and I only work part time Its a lot of money we have to pay out for this hell we go through x


  • Posted

    The worst part except the practical issues is the emotional and physical changes we have to cope with.

    We have to deal with idiot gyns who have no idea how to diagnose and treat menopause, we have to pay a lot of money for check ups we don’t actually need, for blood tests again and again and finally WHAT???

    We have to accept all these symptoms from hell cause menopause is something natural!!! Really? Are natural all these pains, sleepless nights, sweating, forgetfulness and so on? Is natural to suffer in silence cause docs don’t care and the only treatment we can have cause cancer???

    I guess that in the future we will treat menopause the same way we treat diabetes and other hormonal deficiencies. 

    • Posted

      Hi Vicky,

      I sooo understand! I have had it with docs. I have been dismissed two or three times because all my blood tests for this or that come back normal and they tell me I just need to see a psychiatrist. And the ones that do know anything cost hundreds of dollars out of pocket. I have spent the majority of my tax refund, which I normally rely on for basic expenses throughout the year, on medical bills, doctors, naturopaths and supplements. Just spent nearly $300 at health food store this week.

      Recently, I called a couple of gyn clinics to ask which one of their docs would be open to calling in bio-identical hormone scripts, and they said none of them. I was like, really? You mean your docs still prescribe chemically-altered hormones that were proven to cause cancer? I can't believe it. And I can't believe those women are just accepting whatever pill their doc is giving them without asking questions.

      At the other gyn clinic I went to for strange vaginal symptoms (rawness, vulvar itching and irritation, dryness, pain and pressure), I was given a steroid and offered a low-dose antidepressant, neither of which helped, and the antidepressant made me unable to use the bathroom for a week, very miserable. After that, I was promptly dismissed and told I could not return and should go to a special university hospital in a city four hours away. Really???

  • Posted

    You are not kidding! It has cost me a small fortune the last two years trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Hundreds and even thousands, and yes, lots of supplements because the docs never had any answers other than 'it's all in your head' remarks. Even had one dismiss me because I wouldn't go see a pyschiatrist. Well I wonder how she will feel and what she will think when this happens to her and she tries to get help and gets told the same thing.

    I normally rely on my tax refund to pay basic expenses that my income doesn't cover, but last year alone, I had to use most of it on doctors and supplements and medical bills! Two words: It sucks! 

    Lots of weird vaginal symptoms, too (vulvar itching, a feeling of being irritated or chaffed down there, yet no visible rash or irritation, no libido, etc. Usually, sex makes the irritation worse. I have even wondered about being allergic to my husband). Anyone else had those symptoms?

    • Posted

      I can absolutely relate Julie! I was not prepared for this nightmare! I am of course on hrt cause I just don’t want spend the rest of my life feeling so bad...wish the best of you! smile

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