Anyone's hearing affected

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This afternoon something that i never experienced before striked suddenly as i was watching tv. My hearing kind of got fuzzy. It lasted for maybe 2 seconds but it was enough to give me a panic attack. Is this a part of peri and meno ? Has this happened to anyone. Scared the living daylights out of me

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    yes have it to happen alot off and on i use to panic over it now i just ignore it

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    yes it happens to me. I also get ringing sometimes very uncomfortable. My sinuses have been horrible since peri and i keep getting ear infections. Stay calm all will be ok just another crazy symptom

  • Posted

    yes I get this, high pitch sound that comes from nowhere and then ebbs away within seconds, had it for years, I have never put it down to the doesn't bother me now but it can be alarming!

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    I get a ringing in my ear all day long yes all the crazy stuff.

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    Yes, I have constant tinnitus and sometimes my hearing goes fuzzy as well, usually in one ear. It is a frightening experience!

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      I also have constant tinnitus, and hearing goes fuzzy on and off. It's one of my worst symptoms I would say. do you get pressure in your ears as well? I have pressure, fuzzy hearing on and off.. but tinnitus is constant along with headaches. never knew it was peri related. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this...

  • Posted

    Thank you wonderful ladies for your reply. Its comforting to know that it is a part of peri and meno. I thought i was loosing my hearing in that split second of it happening. These symptoms are crazy. Today i awoke with heart palpitations which now i can handle without panic or anxiety. Each day gets a bit easier because with time you get use to a symptom. Its when a new one arises that is scary.

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