Anyone still suffering hayfever
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Hi everyone just wondering if you are still suffering the dreaded symptoms I've been on 2 lots of antibiotics still no better.I did stupidly stop taking my hayfever tablets because I thought I was better then slap bang the last week I have felt terrible. The usual blocked nose cannot breath muffled ears and a head that's ready to burst I also cannot bear to touch my face because of sinus pain. I sometimes feel light headed and dizzy but this I was told my tubes are blocked lol. Anyone got any good remedies or what medications are taking. Many thanks.
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marlene21102 Glitzy
Glitzy marlene21102
marlene21102 Glitzy
Sad you've got tinnitus also ,I've had this now allergies for 10 years ,I've also got Mdds(balance ) fair few with both have this balance as well .
I get ear fullness a lot ,and yes anxiety from it ,so we're much alike .
Do go get those crystals ,I've always got them indoors .
Hope yours eases ,sad we both got it .Takecare
Glitzy marlene21102
marlene21102 Glitzy
The Mdds is called Mal de Debarquement Syndrome ,feels like I'm on a boat ,only time not noticable is when I'm driving .Some get really bad Virtigo . Have good evening to .
Glitzy marlene21102