Anyone suffering from Post nasel drip/sore throat with a cough??

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Hello ladies

Are any of you suffering from the same. Its awful with constant mucus at the back of my throat.. Sore throat and now a cough... Also awful hot flushes too. I know that menopause can cause nasal drop but this is awful. Been to gp an on an antibiotic..

Any of you suffer the same?

Thx in advance.


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7 Replies

  • Edited

    i been suffering sinus issues for a week and causing the dizziness to be worse head pressure sneezing and i have drainage in my throat no sore throat though

    • Posted

      Thanks Pam... Sounds similar. Hope it sorts itself out for you.. CK

  • Posted

    I do! What kind of antibiotic did your doctor give for it and how long?

  • Posted

    Hiya... I am on doxycycline for 7 days and I'm halfway through but dont know yet if making a difference... Let's see. CK

  • Posted

    I have that also, but I have seasonal allergies. I hope you feel better soon.

  • Posted

    I've had persistent post nasal drip for a couple of years now. I've always suffered with rhinitis but it's become worse with peri.

  • Posted

    I suffer from mucus at the back of my throat or even on my chest but does not come up even if I cough. It just lingers on and on to make me so uncomfortable. It is so annoying!

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