Are these symptoms of menopause?

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Hi ladies,

I have some questions about symptoms because my mum is going through menopause. She often gets aches and pains, I know this could just be a part of growing older, and she does have to sit at a desk all day for work, but her legs aches last week and now she has back pain so I was wondering if any of you experience this?

Also, I did notice in the shopping that she has incontenance pads etc. so was just wondering if many of you have bladder problems and such as I assume she is experiencing this as well and usually gets up in the night for the toilet.

She also feels bloated a lot after meals and feels like she's putting on weight (I think she's looks fine and pretty slim actually) and wants to lose some weight, or more accurately get a flatter stomach. Do any of you struggle to lose weight or experience bloating because she does every now and then.

Also any tips for her in trying to get a flatter stomach? She's 54 and walks all time but it doesn't necessarily make your stomach flat!

Thank you for any advice/answers I'm 20 so I don't know much about this! X

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Going thru the Big M is life changing and many adjustment to lifestyle is really by forced choice of accepting thst we are tired fatigued and many other issues accompany menopause. I have the opposite problem bladder retention . After a dr visit with urologist meds have helps. Also has your mom seen a urologist? Yeah are specialists and can help your mom with medication or simple treatments and exercises .

    I make protien shakes as I do stay away from sugars causes more fatigue. There are OTC protien shakes available too. They also have great energy and vitamins. I also take supplements for my individual  needs. Ask fr blood tests for your mom to see if she is deficient in minerals iron or things that supplements can help replace. As well as bone loss a scan for that is important. 

    I make mu own protien shakes from Greek plain yogurt sugar free yogurt and protein powder and non fat milk. Add fruits like blue berries, raspberries . I also keep a supply of hard boiled eggs, nuts and smoked salmon &  Fruit for snacks for energy. 

    Make own own energy bars with oats honey protien powder and natural peanut butter. Put in freezer freeze until read to eat once shaped in small cookie shapes or squares.

    I stay away from all processed foods have hidden sugars , breads, pasta.substitute with pasta's made from spinach, carrots, other substitutes with no white flour or sugars. I don't eat out . I suffered from IBS for many years and probiotics eating yogurt has helped that issue no fatty foods sugars, which all made me bloat and stomach cramps, and exhaustion.

    For exercise I take my dog out for walks sometimes I can hardly move . But when I get back, I feel better just moving outside rekindles my spirit and get the feel good hormones adrenalin going. 

    What you described is what has helped me a lot. I have found eating clean has made a big difference .

    Many of us have suffered with the blues too and that should be addressed. As any of us going thru the Big M we can suffer from depression that also leads to muscle and body strength issues and sleeping a feeling of tiredness. 

    Some me days are better than others it's not always a bowl of cherries but I have watched others in my family give in and as a result suffer from various diseases rather that working at staying healthy. We know so much more today about foods and menopause to help us get to a better place . It worth the effort. 

    Hope xxxx

    Its really a life life style change. 😊


    • Posted

      Thank you so much for all the advice! Yes I understand it's a big lifestyle  change so many symptoms will probably go with it! Thanks again xx

  • Posted

    Hi sweetheart, it's so nice that you are looking out for your mum.  Don't worry about not knowing much about all this aging stuff, I'm the same age as your mum and I don't know an awful lot either!  As regards general aches and pains, it could just be aging.  However, without wishing to worry you, some of the symptoms you describe were in a leaflet I read this week about ovarian cancer.  Feeling bloated or feeling full quickly, back pain, and needing to pee urgently or more frequently than normal can be symptoms, although it's much more likely to be menopausal rather than anything else.  You can look up info on the NHS website, but could you ask your mum to make an appointment with her GP?  Best to get it all checked out (that's if she hasn't already) but talk to her first.  It really is much more likely to be something simple and nothing to worry about, but it's good to exclude other stuff.  Your mum is very lucky to have such a caring daughter.  Good luck to you both xx 

    • Posted

      I agree, you are a LOVELY DAUGHTER. Don't worry. It sounds like all the symptoms your poor mother having is just like what some of us are also having. But of course it is good for your mum to go to GP and get herself checked although I find them useless at recognising the M symptoms!

      You are too young to worry about this but it is good to keep a mental re Ord of things for the future. Ypu may/may not have smilar symptoms to your mum when the time comes. You'll at least be familiar with some and won't be freaked out. Enjoy your youth!

    • Posted

      Hi, thank you so much for your reply! Yes I'm aware that they are similar to ovarian problems (I'm a hypochondriac myself and I've thought I've had awful diseases such as this) but I'm not too worried as she doesn't feel full quickly, she just gets bloated after she eats big meals and she's just found since hitting her 50's it's easier to put on weight and harder to lose compared to when she was younger  so maybe I didn't quite phrase that right. And foods such as pasta and bread make her feel a bit bloated (but I think a lot of people have this including me sometimes!). She doesn't really need to urinate frequently I think she just may have a mild issue with 'leakage' as such when you age, and I know my maternal grandmother had urinary problems when she got older as many women seem to. I should think I urinate more than she does to be honest! I think the reason she goes in the night is because she wakes up feeling hot in the night and just happens to need the loo sometimes.  I may mention 

      to visit the GP and see what she says. I often think GP's don't know a great deal about the menopause. But I could be wrong maybe my mum could even get some lifestyle/diet advice if she went. The back pain isn't a constant thing either, it's mainly today really, just thought I'd ask!

      Thank you so much again! Xx

    • Posted

      Thank you so much! I do think I'm probably overreacting a little bit because I am a hypochondriac. And as I said in a previous reply, she doesn't urinate frequently and doesn't usually have aches all the time. I don't even think she looks bloated/having extra weight she looks the same weight she did ten years ago! So it may just be her wanting a flatter stomach more than anything, especially with spring summer approaching when she was saying that her clothes are tighter etc. So I guess after eating a lot over winter and hiding it under sweatshirts she suddenly seems to want a 'summer body' as such.

      Yes I've always felt GP's don't really know a lot about this.  I think there should be more said about menopause as it is. A lot of people understand puberty, but it seems menopause is never talked about. 

      Thanks again for your reply!!

  • Posted

    Hi sweetie!! You are a wonderful daughter! Don't worry all the symptoms you just mentioned are part of the big change..I have every one of them for the past 6 years..

    I did go to my dr and had tests done special after the horrible back pain, it was so hard to get off the bed at times and everything was fine. I stopped the caffeine, sugars, faty foods and start taking vitamin D and multi vitamin and I start feeling a bit better..

    Tell her not to stress because the symptoms get worst!!

    We all here for you xxxxxx

    • Posted

      Hi! Thank you so much! It's good to hear other women are going through the same, although I wish none of you lovely ladies had to go through this!  6 years is a long time, that must be difficult. It seems my mums been going through for at least a good three years or more, but it seems to be at its peak the last year or so (hot flashes etc).  Her pain isn't too bad, just the odd aches here and there so it's not too horrible. She does have a lot of caffeine which doesn't help a lot of symptoms I should imagine.  I try to tell her to de-stress sometimes as she does unnecessarily stress about work and also is studying for a degree at the same time! So she doesn't get a lot of relaxation time, so I'm going to try to do more around the house so she can relax a bit more. 

      Thank you and it's nice to know you you ladies are going through this too and can help! Xxx

    • Posted

      You are an angel!!! She is so lucky to have you!!
  • Posted

    Dear sb14

    I have experienced the odd bloating in peri, I remembering once just sitting there and suddenly im sure see my stomach bloat up before me! I have had episodes where I feel the need to pee more and then it settles down back to normal. I thankfully donk 'leak' and need pads but I know women in peri/meno that do and is quite common. I also noticed weight gain on my hips and especially my stomach without changing my diet. I have since been dieting cutting out bread and potatoes (weekends I have some) and cutting my portion size and have lost a stone since Xmas. I try to swim three times a week too. I am 53, it sounds to me like it is menopause but if she's ever concerned about anything, it does no harm to get things checked x

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