Are you ever symptoms free?
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Hi ladies,
I just wanted to ask whether you have days with this peri, when you are symptoms free? Last month I had few days after my period finished when I felt quite 'normal', I woke one morning relaxed, with quite bit of energy, feeling positive, no pains and aches. But it was literally just few days. I seem to start getting symptoms around ovulation time which for me was always around day 10 or 11 and giving that my period has extended from 4 days to at least 7, it really doesn't leave a big window. I am also no good 10 days leading up to my period and so often there is no break. One of the thing I suffer with is breast tenderness and joint pain. I went to breast clinic, they only examined me saying my breasts are fine, it must be all hormonal, despite I said I was not able to even work out if my discomfort was related to my's so frustrating. I wonder how is it for others?
2 likes, 16 replies
nic1976 Daisy03
That's exactly the same for me, from day 1 through to day 13 or 14 I might as well be a different person because it's horrible. I have a few days where I feel ok and then it's the run up to my period so those few days are blissful.
jamie50513 Daisy03
Guest Daisy03
When I am bad I am really bad and then I feel normalish again but I feel wary waiting for the next 'surge'. Its a crappy ride and the worst thing is you don't know when its going to end
Marisa02082 Daisy03
sharcerv52408 Daisy03
Guest sharcerv52408
I am surprised when I actually wake up feeling ok now on the rare occasions ...that is now abnormal ironically lol
Brevis Guest
sharcerv52408 Guest
ruth24048 Guest
CCinCal Daisy03
Guest CCinCal
I have bloating, indigestion, fatigue, urinary frequency, constipation and pelvic aches and pains!
But then I get told these are peri symptoms.
I had an ultrasound last year and everything was good?
CCinCal Guest
I know, all these symptoms we have in peri makes me think I have something more going on. My brain starts catastrophizing. I have an MRI Monday for the dizzy, off balance just to rule things out. I truly wish I was about 15 years older and be passed all this.
Guest CCinCal
I have my breast scan may 16 then go back to doc to discuss HRT. Fingers crossed all is ok....i have a friend who had no lumps and went for first mammogram and found out she had breast cancer.
She had chemo and at the moment ok but its a bit scary. I always catastrophise when I am anxious. Deep breaths here we come
CCinCal Guest
Guest CCinCal