Arm Pain
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Hi Ladies!
Have any of experienced arm pain that sometimes goes into the shoulder and upper chest and back area? It comes and goes as does a lot of these peri symptoms but of course when they return it is usually with such a vengeance! This, no doubt, triggers my anxiety and the thought that something is wrong with me. I am so tired of these crazy symptoms butting into my life!
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Woo3353 sharcerv52408
Yes I get this classic sign of anxiety caused by peri & hormones, declining estrogen effects joints and fluctuating cortisol caused by anxiety causing muscle tension
Try relaxation, deep breathing helps and keep moving
sharcerv52408 Woo3353
Thanks Woo3353! At least I know I'm not alone. I figured it was due to stress and anxiety. My seven year old son had surgery yesterday and we were at the hospital for what seemed to be an eternity! He's home and recuperating now but just going through that process was a tremendous strain.
Woo3353 sharcerv52408
One thing I have learnt is anxiety thrives on being under pressure and stressed, if I do something to occupy myself I don't feel aches, but guess what they come back as soon as I think about them.
If you are peri it means you still experience PMT even if you have no periods or are irregular and us women know these can be a nightmare, I often tell younger people I know to stop moaning about having periods because there's possibly worse to come in later life
sharcerv52408 Woo3353
I hope and pray there's not worse to come later. I can't deal with what I get as it is. I need to find something to keep me occupied because I'm at home with my kids and am not working right now and it seems that all I do is focus on my symptoms.
julesmsw sharcerv52408
monique_93857 sharcerv52408
Hi your so not alone on this I have been experiencing this my left shoulder then back then arm also I get a very hot feeling it's almost like in different areas not all over one min my arm the next my shoulder then my back it's weird but it goes away fairly quick it just scared the heck out of me the first time it happened. I'm guessing that it's a part of menopause Lord don't know how much more I can take with this crazy mess good luck hope we can all get through this