At a crossroads and I think it's due to menopause
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I am new to this forum just looking for a place to vent where others might be feeling the same way I am. Honestly, I feel as though I'm going crazy.
A little over two years ago I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Luckily, I just had to have a hysterectomy with an oopherectomy (1 ovary taken) with no radiation or chemo. Unfortunately, during follow ups, 6 months later the other ovary had to be taken as well. I still felt very lucky because no radiation or chemo was necessary. It was ALL GONE!
After surgery, I felt great...there was so much pain involved with the cancer prior to surgery I thought my life was finally getting back on track! I thought over and over again, Menopause? What do people complain about? This is easy!
Little did I know. Almost exactly one year to the date (which I've learned is normal) of what was called a forced menopause the menopause alien reared it ugly head. Initially, it was just some mild hot flashes and some minor insomnia. Now, the hot flashes have taken over my life and I can't remember the last time I didn't wake up at least 5 times a night. Obviously, the insomnia has had a lot to do with my mood as well. I keep thinking if I could just get a decent sleep then things would be better. My relationship with my husband is suffering and recently we've talked about separating. Sometimes I feel that he would just be better off without having to deal with me and my issues. Sometimes I feel I would be better off alone. He has been very patient but it seems he just expects that one day he will wake up and my menopause symptoms will have vanished over night.
I'm tired constantly, I'm irritable, I'm depressed and I just don't know where to go from here.
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ally33100 shawnalynn
Hi lovEly
I can sympathise with you very similar experience except my symptoms started straight away and battle daily are you taking HRT I take HRT and anxiety and mood medication this has helped but had a blip and struggling at present I have blood tests this week to check my hormone levels etc and medication review . It's hard for husbands as we've changed into this moody emotional stranger talk to your gp make time so you and your husband get time to talk and date night it helped us xx good luck there are many people struggling with meaupause for me it helps to chat your not alone
shawnalynn ally33100
I do take a low dose estrogen but that is all. I also take estroven which is just a vitamin for menopause. I need a happy pill for sure.
Sochima822 shawnalynn
ally33100 Sochima822
shawnalynn Sochima822
If you can believe it I actually don't drink caffeine and cut out sugar and carbs about 6 months ago hoping it would help.
Sochima822 shawnalynn
You want a happy pill, then take vitamin D3. I also, recommend a vegetarian multi-vitamin. Also, if you're taking an estrogen pill and it's not working you should go back to your doctor for something that will help diminish the symptoms. Taking estrogen pills can be a trial and error test until you find the right one for your body.
shawnalynn Sochima822
shelley10976 shawnalynn
Hello. I'm sorry you're feeling so lousy. Unfortunately I have been 5 years without a period and now symptoms are hitting me very hard as well. I have panic and depression and just yesterday my doctor phoned and said my blood was high in B12. I have been taken a supplement and he just said stop taking it but my mind is instantly in worry mode. I suffer from health anxiety too. My only advice is keep talking to the ones who suffer with you. It will end someday and we will get our old selves back.
ally33100 shelley10976
shelley10976 ally33100
Hi. I would love to find something that works. It just started in September. I'm so not used to it yet. It seems to happen at the end of every month. I realized today that I've been taken a b12 supplement and it seems to be making my anxiety worse. My doctor called to say I need to stop taking it because I have too much b12 in my blood.
liz67338 shawnalynn
Hey there,
Youre certainly not alone, also been struggling with a raft of menopausal sypmtoms for past 2 years which have put a strain on all relationships including with my boyfriend as I'm just not the same person anymore. I'm constantly looking for new ways to help with the symptoms .some of the things that have helped me a bit with likes of anxiety and depression and insomnia are Epsom salt baths with a few lavender and ylang ylang oil drops (also rub lavender oil on bottom of my feet and neck before bed) and different herbal teas known to help menopause like sage tea, fennel tea, nettle tea, camomile tea and star anise tea.
I had some amazing advice the other day from another lady telling me basically our brain is scrambled currently sending out the wrong messages to our bodies but to try and trust our bodies they are incredible and will know what to do, to try and centre yourself and breath through the different symptoms always focusing on the breath. I'm still practising but promise it's starting to help. Hang on in there lovely...the ladies on this site are incredible and an amazing support...also feel free to message me privately if I can try and help further. Take care it will be over for us all one day xx