Back ache

Posted , 5 users are following.

Hi ladies ive started waking up with backache its around my ribs as thou ive slept in a corsett uf that makes sense not sure if its peri or a strain from gym x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Bev,

    I've had that a few times myself. It subsides as the day goes on. I had a hard time describing it but you said it perfectly. I was wondering if I was sleeping wrong or in a crazy position. I hope someone else can shed some light on this.

  • Posted

    Me too....I think it might be not breathing properly....abdomen feels hard and tight too and nauseous.
  • Posted

    Hi Bev, I had something similar went to my doc, asked me if I worked out or slept on a different mattress? I had worked out a bit, my ribs were sore, did some stretches, took 2-3 days before I finally felt better. So I would venture to say it's probably due to exercise unless you slept on the couch, which also gave me not only back pain but all sorts of aches around my back and ribs. I do the Epsom salt bath which reduces all aches & pains.
    • Posted

      Thanjyoy patrathegreat ithink its the gym i went yesterday did same routine on weights and its back again i no now to leave certain equipment out lol its my latisimo dorci muscle painfull xx
  • Posted

    I'm having these issues. Am seeing different doctors trying to figure it out. My rib pain is mostly left sided. I have had digestive issues, so don't know if it's from that. Had colonoscopy and endoscopy, all was fine. Saw GI Doctor yesterday, and am having a endoscopic ultrasound next month. Hope it goes away before then. 

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