Back after long time away
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Hi Ladies, its been a long time since I have been here and a lot of bad news to report. My husband died of lymphoma in October. He was complaining of feeling bad begining in Feb. Finally got diagnosed with lymphoma. Its been horrible. The only real peace I have is that he is no longer suffering. But, dealing with his illness and still perimenopause which I am not comparing peri to his lymphoma, I AM NOT. I am still dealing with all the symptoms and my anxiety is now off the charts. I have everything in the 66 symptoms except the period issues, I had a hysterectomy 16 years ago. I have now weird feelings in my face and slight swelling.. I went to the E.R about it they said its not a stroke some sort of allergies or they dont know. I read where facial weirdness is another symptom, but I see the Dr. Tuesday its not painful but irratating. The hot flashes are horrible and I still have horrible joint pain, its now in my lower back which is extremely painful. I am so depressed I dont know what to do. I cant believe my hubby is gone. Its just like a nightmare that never really ends. I had to come back to you guys for support. Thanks
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wendy36287 lenie95046
gailannie lenie95046
I hope you get some answers soon. Please let us know how you are doing and what you find out.
nancy0925 lenie95046
Oh sweetie, first off I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. It must be very hard losing your partner and support person when you yourself are dealing with peri. Anxiety seems to be something we all have in common and I believe all the crazy symptoms and no definitive answers are behind it.I went to ER on Dec 27th thinking I was having a heart attack. Turned out to be nothing g but 2 of the cardiac nurse practioners said that hormones really can mess a woman up. I actually found that reassuring. It's nice only getting period every few months instead of monthy. I hope you find that reading these bogs help. The hormone changes are to blame. Take care and God bless!
Lotti1966 lenie95046
I am so sorry for your loss. Words are not enough. Stay strong
carmen_22574 lenie95046
Guest lenie95046
I lost my husband to ALS Jan 16th 2015 :-( I know how you feel! I feel so alone and then this nightmare of hormones that seem to be NO end too. I have a 22 year old son robbing me blind since the death of my husband he lives home with me I feel so TRAPPED! I have two special needs children at home one with Autism and the other with HD she has two permanet colostomies and fistula and a host of health issues which keeps me scared silly and she wont see a doctor she is 21 My son who has autism will be 13 Wednesday. Sinces my husband long illness with the most horrible disease known to man I gained way over 100 pounds no support from family so I just feel like a BIG FAT HUGE PIECE OF BLOB! Anxiety through the roof and no one to talk to except the ladies here. I prayed today while trying to do little over a mile on my stationed bike in living room if God woiuld take my hand and help me get a life back! I fight depression with everything in me. I'm trying my very best to find hope and strength to somehow pull through some of this. I'm trying to get through the winter and pray the Lord helps me figure out how to get a place for me and Jacob and somehow get away from my 22 almost 23 year old son using me and stealing from me, at the same time I feel so sorry for him he's 6'3 and weighs rougly 500 pounds so its not like I can displine him he has no place to go but yet I can't keep dealing with all the issues he is causing me even his cyber girlfriend was shopping in CA with my CC way before I knew what all was going on! He somehow got 586$ out of my checking account and snealks and adds hisself to my cc and steals mine and runs them up and the dreaded list goes on I know I have to do something but just have to wait for an open door and wisdom to know what to do. These horrible hormone symtoms just makes everything even harder to deal with. I havent been out of the house in quite awhile because the weather has been horrible cold here in kentucky. I keep telling myself you can do this and God will help me.
sabrina1971 Guest
lenie95046 Guest
Sochima822 lenie95046
Shazanne lenie95046
My God - my heart is literally breaking for you. I wish I could more than just sit behind a keyboard and tell you that. Your suffering puts so much into perspective for me that I feel I have no right to complain - but then none of us on here 'complain' - we share our stories and give strength and support and lots of advice to each other. We are a community of our own and you are part of this community. You are not alone in this and, while we may not have experienced your pain, we will be there to offer support. To begin with I offer you my prayers and the tightest and warmest hug I can send you. Reach out and feel our love surround you. XXXX
donna38794 lenie95046
carol62649 lenie95046
I wish i could wrap my arms around you, hug you. There are no words to describe how i feel for you. Know this, all the girls here are sending you love and support. Our prayers and best wishes hopefully will give you strength, life does send us some trials and tribulations that we have to endure. Take each day as it comes, cherish the happy times you shared with your man. Be kind to yourself, ask for help, dont suffer in silence.
I will ask the Angels to help you and guide you.
Healing hugs to you 😘
sabrina1971 lenie95046
I am sorry for your loss. <3
sue58256 lenie95046
jane5216 lenie95046
I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. Hormones make everything more difficult to deal with and emotional pain in turn creates physical symptoms. So altogether you are going through a very, very tough period of your life. Keep coming to us for support. Thinking of you. xx