Back to work next week!

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I am in the last week of four weeks sick leave. My manager suggested I take some time off as the dizziness had become extreme and the headaches were daily. Ive seen occupational health this morning and begged them to let me come back. I explained that this isnt a quick fix and I cant stay off work forever. They are sceptical but have agreed. I am nervous about going back because at home if I'm dizzy I just sit down and I dont panic if a migraine starts. I have told them to just leave me if I fall over and not panic thinking its my heart again but I have a terrible feeling I'll end up attached to a difibralator the first time it happens. Still, I have to give it a go cause at 45 and in this climate I cant afford not to work.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry for your dizziness.  I have dizziness too and it's a pain in the rear.  Maybe by working things will get better as your mind will be on something else.  Stay positive and Good luck to you!  lol
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply dottie. I didn't know that vertigo was to do with menopause until I came on here. I have been treated for it for years and been given different reasons for it. Now I feel better knowing what it is even if it is a pain. Hopefully when my hrt dosage is sorted it will ease off.
  • Posted

    Tracy I know how hard this all is. I stay at home and quite frankly I don't know how I would cope if I work. This perimenopause is like constant pms. Dizziness headaches mood swings severe  nor wanting to deal with people. No energy is the worst for me. I just don't have it

    I wish you all the best. Not every day you will feel dizzy. Maybe work wi be really good for you and take your mind off it

    God bless

    • Posted

      Thank you for your good wishes. I do love my job so will be glad to go back. Unfortunately I work on a supermarket shop floor so I can be quite a hazard when I'm dizzy. Thankfully I have a brilliant manager whos very understanding although she has threatened to give me a special trolley with hazard lights on. I just hope she was joking.
    • Posted

      Ohh Tracy that's funny.  Better to laugh than cry.  It will be over soon.  That's a good idea as I need hazard lights here at home! smile
    • Posted

      hello tracy , i know how you feel i work full time in an office and my dizziness/off balance has caused me problems at work and i sometimes don't know how i get through the day but my boss has been brilliant with me and let me go home at the drop of a hat.  Perhaps you should wear a high viz jacket with a hard hat in case you fallwink.  tracy it will get better but just go easy, i get up slower and i think move slower and always make sure your near something you can hang onto and you'll get through the day as i do. i'll be thinking of you next week 
    • Posted

      I do have a hi viz for the warehouse so maybe I should keep it on on the shop floor lol. Unfortunately we have a pick rate so going slow isnt an option but they are used to me turning a corner and tipping over now, Ive been accused of working under the influence many times. Maybe there will be a breathaliser attached to my trolley when I get back! My boss is also brilliant and I can just leave if I cant cope but I try not to take advantage of her good nature.
    • Posted

      Hi Tracy. I would take advantage lol you only live once! cheesygrin

      I am doing this natural.  I like to suffer eh? lol. I take a multi vitamin Centrum Performance says for energy on the bottle and started B12 vitamin a few days ago by Jamiesen dosage of a pill a day with meal it says on the bottle.  B12 good for vertigo dizziness (I read somewhere) and I can actually see a difference this morning...not as dizzy this morning Thank God do I can actually get off the couch.  There is hope I say!

    • Posted

      I have purchased some B6 and B12 but then read that too much can give you headache so not sure whether to take it as I get migraines. Anyone who has had headaches with it? So tempted to take it as nothing else is working!!!!
    • Posted

      Im gonna give it a go. Am I better to take it in a morning or with a meal?
    • Posted

      I always take after my evening meal. I have a very sensitive stomach an always make sure I take with food. Once years ago I took on an empty stomach in the morning. I was very sick after

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