Bad episode(s) - Perimenopause

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Hi gals - I had a bad episode (after feeling pretty good for a few weeks) on Sat. morning. It was familiar - heart racing, feeling of lightheadedness, head pressure, panic, a need to crawl out of my skin, etc. It went on for a good hour. I took .25 mg of Xanax which usually calms it down but leaves me feeling a little groggy. Anyway, I recovered ok, felt mostly fine the rest of the day and Sunday. Then I was going to bed last night after reading for a bit and started feeling WEIRD. Like I couldn't really think straight, and my heart started pounding and I felt really off/spacey like I was going to faint (while lying in bed!). I got up and took my pulse - it was 125. I also felt dizzy and nauseous. I took .25 mg again of Xanax (which I only do when it is really bad) and after about an hour or so felt like I could lie down and try to sleep. This morning I feel weak, tired and headachey. Heart rate is still up but not like it was last night. I just finished a strange period cycle - heavy bleeding for three days, gone for 3, then back with spotting for another 3. Does anyone else feel like their symptoms flair around your cycles? Mine are unpredictable and erratic. Also, I'm just venting here and feeling frustrated because I felt pretty good for a time, then wham - got hit with all the crap again. 😦

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi! I was also feeling a little better for a while. Today has been bad. I tried to take a nap, but every 10 minutes I wake up feeling very faint. I have experienced what you were talking about where you feel faint in bed lying down. I hate that feeling! I am not due for a period for 9 days, so I don't know if mine is connected to that. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.

    • Posted

      Thanks Rebecca. I know exactly what you are talking about - feeling faint while laying down. What is that?? So strange. With my cycle being all over the place now it is hard to predict when I am near my period anymore. And I can bleed off and on for two weeks, have nothing for 2 weeks, then it comes back. Bleck.

  • Posted

    I wonder if you are anaemic ? When I get low on iron I get a racing pulse and panic a lot. It's not just replacing your body with iron but also supporting it with B vitamins and vitamin C. Something to think about if you haven't had it checked. Good luck!

    • Posted

      Thanks Sabrina. I have been borderline anemic all my life and currently take iron. I have a blood draw somewhat regularly, and my iron levels are all about the same. Kind of low, but not terribly low.

  • Posted


    2 days before my cycle hits I usually get irritable very fast and have a few crying spells for no reason. It's so, annoying. When peri first hit me several months ago I was having severe anxiety and panic attacks. At that time literally just a few hours before my cycle would hit each month I'd get severely dizzy. I was so dizzy one day I just had to get in the shower and sit under the falling water. I think I was having a panic attack also, at that time. Probably the most scared I've ever been in my life. My anxiety and panic symptoms have calmed down since my last cycle. I'm bracing for the next one that is possibly due this week but, there is a good possibility that I skip this month and enter into the 1st month of menopause. Fingers crossed. Although, I know it doesn't end with that. I will be happy when they stop!!!! I've had roller coaster days too. Start to feel fine than wake up feeling horrible and everything is back! I read on line that fluctuates until you finally stabilize back to some normalcy.

  • Posted

    I have severe anxiety and heart racing/palpitations which are much worse right before my period. My doctors said it is because my estrogen drops. I agree that you should get tested for anemia (if you haven't already). I also have found out that my Vit D is low, so I take a supplement. In addition, I take 400 mg of magnesium glycinate a day which really has helped with palpitations and racing heart rate/higher blood pressure.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Thanks Jen. I also take magnesium every day. I used to be on a daily beta blocker for a couple years because of the palps, but went off it several months ago because I was still getting them even on the beta blocker. Usually the palps are manageable (and I will take a beta blocker as needed) but every once and a while my heart goes bonkers. I am on iron too. 😦

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