Bad thought
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Hi ladies you are probly going to think im really crazy but 2 weeks ago while on holiday which i admit makes me anxious not good at being away from home my period started but one woke and 1st thing that entered my head was 3 weeks to live and i can't get it off my mind and as the 3rd week draws near starting to get really worrid x
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helen95781 donna27148
I really do feel for you. It's horrible when anxiety strikes and like you I get anxious when I'm away from home or my husband isn't around. But it is just anxiety that has produced this thought and because of anxiety it's hard to let go of it. When I have silly thoughts I have learned to just tell myself that I'm "risk assessing" and this has helped hugely. Try it and the thought will disappear. You do not have to live in fear.
I will pray peace for you. Just remember it's just anxiety rearing its ugly head.
Big hugs.
Helen. xx
MrsMerm donna27148
Try to relax Donna, this is a difficult stage in our lives but it will pass and try to enjoy each day (take it slowly and easy)
Mrs M
anita31460 donna27148
Anita x
susan556 donna27148
As MrsMerm says and so true for some of us being away from home puts us out of our comfort zone. Donna presume your still on holiday then with one week to go before you return home again or are you home with just that one week to go?
What ever time will come and go and you feel reasurred again.
Hugs to you
Sue x
helen64949 donna27148
fightingmadness donna27148
susan556 fightingmadness
nurture ourselves, i guesse my me time is doing my dolls(reborning) them, taking time to do my hair and makeup so at least i like what i see in the mirror! We do forget to take slow deep breaths and listening to calming music make sense, they even say now play calming music to our babys in the womb as when the same piece is played after birth it relaxes them. xx