Bad Weeks
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I am 51 and at the doc's suggestion I went off the Pill 3 months ago. She suggested this a year ago but let me stay on and asked to to read on blood clots in women over 50. It scared me, chances of blood clotting jumps sigificantly after 50. My body had to adjust to having no daily hormones, I immediately started retaining water, gained 5 lbs in water weight and could not figure out how to get rid of it, I was miserable.
For the past year I will skip a period and then the next one will be a gully-washer which might last 10 days, even when I was on the Pill which was another reason I decided to stop taking it.
I have done real well with anxiety, not having any trouble controlling my irritibility, until this week my B6 and B12 combo has helped my fatigue, I have dealt with a great deal of breast tenderness which I use vit E and evening primrose oil tabs for, no night sweats and hot flashes have been mild until this week.
I have never in my life experienced anything so awful! Gully washer period started this week and in the first 2 days I went thru 16 tampons, pads on top of that. I still ended up changing my clothes and doing laundry 3 times on day 2. I felt like I should not leave the house. I can see that there is alot of water mixed with the blood, lost the 5 lbs which now feels good. Never in 38 years of dealing with the monthlies have I ever soiled myself to the point of imbarrassment until this week. Hot flashes have been terrible this week too, have not been able to sleep even taking melatonin. I had lost so much blood I was light headed and seeing spots, I felt like I was going to pass out. I do take an iron supplement and last might I made sure I got a good amount of greens and protein.
I was reading online that yam extract is supposed to help with the flooding periods. If anyone has tried anything else that has helped please let me know.
Sideline personal rant here: Going thru this all this week I just wondered why? Why does it have to be so severe and why do women get stuck with all the painful stuff like menstruation, child birth and menopause? Perhaps the wrong set of mind but like I said it has been a hard week.
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Blessed_Mimi AVR1962
My daughter floods really bad on her periods and the doctor says she's estrogen dominant.
I went through this a year ago with the heavy flooding every other month. I have been in peri now for 4 years and I have used chasteberry that works really well.
My daughter has used it as well and it slows her bleeding down very fast. She's 15 and has a period every month 13 days long and extremely heavy. Doctors put her on the pill and she ended up bleeding all month long. The pill isn't for everyone but the doctors think they are a cure all. I'd rather find a natural cure.
I hope you feel better... try to Google chasteberry and see what you think. Hope this helps. Be blessed xx
AVR1962 Blessed_Mimi
Sandy07 AVR1962
liz53953 AVR1962
AVR1962 liz53953
liz53953 AVR1962