BBC Documentary
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I've just seen an advert for a BBC documentary to be shown on BBC1 on 26th November in the UK. Its called The Truth About Menopause and will air at 9pm.
I'm sharing a link but not sure if it will be blocked.
From watching the trailers it looks very interesting so I thought I'd share for anyone in the UK who may want to watch. xx
11 likes, 19 replies
Guest Claire4474
thanks claire! I am in the US, but hopefully it will show online!
becky93904 Guest
Wonder if it will be on BBC America?
Guest becky93904
maybe? I think I get that channel...but they are always re running Dr. Who
beth12460 Claire4474
Thank you for notifying us. Often these BBC docs are on you You-Tube shortly after they air.
kelly55079 Claire4474
I heard the ladies on the view (talk show) talking about menopause. One of them mentioned that it was/is pure hell for years. I think another one said it 'blew' right by for her.
CarolKelso Claire4474
Hi clare..
would you believe i was just about to post the same...i hope they discuss ALL symptoms not just hot flushes but all the awful other stuff like tummy and bowel issues...migraines etc ....look forward to seeing it.....xx CK
ruth24048 CarolKelso
i was about to say a similar thing Carol in that i hope they discuss all kinds of symptoms that it causes. i too suffer from tummy and bowel issues amongst other things and its very depressing sometimes.
Claire4474 CarolKelso
In one of the clips I saw she talks about first experiencing anxiety and sleep problems and how she had never associated those as symptoms of menopause. I'm particularly looking forward to the part about the revolutionary new treatment that could get rid of hot flushes 😃 xx
brendababy Claire4474
hi Claire, this may be a repeat which was aired a couple of times before
if it is then i found it very disappointing as they only spoke to ladies who have experienced the general symptoms and sensations of meno
if i can remember right none of the ladies mentioned any of the more unusual scary symptoms that you read from the posts on here. i.e. balance probs, internal vibrations, twitching, phantom toothache etc etc
ive yet to speak personally to anyone i know who has suffered from the strange symptoms i have, only the ladies on this forum seem to understand
i will watch with interest
best wishes to you xx
Guest brendababy
hi Brenda, I get that horrible dizzy, balance problem, ears ringing, head pressure...have had it bad for about a year. I have migraine too since peri...18 months ago. Seeing a vestibular neuro next week...I hope he can help me. It happens daily, but, so horrible around my cycle I cannot drive. I too know people who think their hot flashes and losing their keys are just the end of the world.
brendababy Guest
hi Lou, ive suffered from the imbalance and dizziness for about three years now, i'm 54 and no period for about 1 year
i've seen a neurologist and Ent specialist and was diagnosed with vistibular migraine. ive had cylical migraines for years but had never heard of this type
my migraines have lessened a great deal since my periods have stopped but the imbalance and dizziness is persistent. i cannot drive anymore and I have lost a bit of confidence, im just hoping this symptom will eventually burn itself out
ive never been bothered with hot flushes but think ive had every other symptom you can think off lol
i hope your migraines ease like mines has and then the weird imbalance settles down
best wishes xx
Guest brendababy
Hi Brenda...thanks so much for responding! vestibular migraine is what I am thinking I may have. My primary thinks BPPV, but my symptoms are more that that. Did you get bad fatigue? I worry about MS because of the fatigue...However, I had clear brain MRI for that last year... I am on amitriptyline now for the migraines. Did the neuro put you on any meds for the vestibular migraines? I think everything is hormonal but sometimes think there is more to it for me.
brendababy Guest
hi Lou, it sounds as if you are suffering from this type of migraine, apparently its a very common condition especially during meno
stop thinking its something else you would have very different symptoms and any anxiety or stress will make any migraine worse, things will ease with time
i would steer well clear of amitryptaline i think theyre dangerous and may cause future side effects and worse symptoms
i was prescribed nortryptaline which i think maybe of the same family as the ones youre on, i tried them for two weeks but the side effects were terrible so stopped them
i now only take naramig when i have the migraine headache, ive used them for years and theyre very effective at getting the pain away quickly
please try not to worry and overthink, i know its easy to do but it wont help you
let me know how you get on at your appointment.
best wishes to you xx
Guest brendababy
thanks Brenda! I am only on 10 mg of amit...since Sept. you are correct noritrip is in the same family. I sleep better, but the migraines are still beastly. I will let you know how I make out! Fingers and toes crossed! 😃
ruth24048 brendababy
brendababy ruth24048
hi ruth,when is the programme on? i'm sure it's been on twice before, it's the same title as well.
ruth24048 brendababy
Hi brenda, its called The truth about the menopause and its on next monday on BBC1 at 9PM.