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I was watching Beaches, old 80s movie with Bette Midler. Decide to google (I know, I know) viral cardiomyopathy, sure enough I'm convinced I have it now. Logic tells me that I don't because I saw a cardiologist and even wore a monitor for 24 hours, but then I think maybe they missed it. Why do I torture myself so?
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hopeforever Guest
Suzanne lol you don't have it. I am so done googling . That drove me crazy, day and night putting myself through madness. I am staying away from movies with any type of illness. I cannot add any more pressure to myself. I remember watching that movie as a teen and i cried like crazy. Will not be watching beaches any time soon. Take it easy Suzanne, today my bones joints cracking driving me crazy. I am just taking it easy and trying not to worry. You too try to ease your mind. Hugs
2chr2015 hopeforever
oh more sad movies where people die. i stay away from commercials and fb bc you never know whats going to pop up! and my mind just cant take it. our parents and grand parents didn't have to be assaulted with the medical commercials (pharmacology, life insurance, treatment centers) literally every commercial break. how peaceful it must have been. i sadly had to stop going to ladies bible study (which is sad bc there were potential friends there...that i need) bc of the same type of thing. sorry for the rant yall.
juanita93228 2chr2015
I hear ya. I have never seen so many commercials about drugs and funeral homes. The ones that get me are the life insurance commercials and final expenses. I'm constantly getting mail about life insurance and final expenses. Commercials about cancer treatment centers. It's like they're trying to kill us.
I stay off FB because you can be scrolling along and up pop a picture of someone's loved one gravestone.
nancys21 Guest
Must've watched that movie a thousand times. I thought the same thing. Surely I'm dying from some horrible disease...why else would I feel so bad almost every day?! It's easy to let our minds wander. Don't have any real good advice. Try to take it one day at a time and know that you aren't alone in this. Hugs!
heather29740 Guest
That's called health anxiety and no amount of stress classes or anxiety classes will make you think any different.
I recently had to see a psychologist and explain how I feel about everything as I was getting assessed this appointment was on the Thursday morning and I explained that when I get an illness or something like that day post menopausal bleeding my mind goes crazy and I want to run or even hurt myself. Well come the afternoon I went the well woman clinic and the nurse told me I would need to go to hospital( which I have done and if you read my posts you'll know how that's going) to see someone.
Well the next day I was pulling my hair out literally and trying to run away so my husband phoned that psychologist and said I was going crazy through fear and the psychologist says what are you bothered about.
Now my long winded way of saying our mind does funny things with itself and the people getting paid the big bucks either don't want to listen or they are incapable of understanding the human mind. We at the end of the day are the only ones who know what it feels like to think the worst about our health and there is this thought if I think the worst it may not happen.
I wish you a day where you can be like everyone else and not have a care in the world and maybe wish the same for myself.
2chr2015 heather29740
i think if they haven't experienced it there is no way they can understand what we go through. its awful. i feel like if they were feeling what we do those results would come back much faster!!