Been told i'm early meanopausal

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help suffering with anxiety & i was wondering if there is anything i can take & the best supplements to help? thanks in advance 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I am too! Can you share with me the exact physcail symptoms you get with it?
    • Posted

      I get hot flushes, mood swings. I get anxious & sometimes i have palpitations

  • Posted

    Hi Elizabeth, anxiety started for me a little over a year ago literally woke up with it along with some of my other symptoms, and never ever had anxiety before that. It stayed with me for 3 months before easing up, I swear I was dying I was homebound couldn't do anything not even drive, I would wake up very early 5 /6 am with it, it felt like I drank 5 pots of coffee just awful, and I can't stand caffeine. Instead of fighting it I just went along with it, for example when I woke up early mornings instead of laying there in bed I would just get up and get busy with whatever I would let my dogs out, throw some laundry in wash, take shower get dressed, and just go with it, I changed my diet to no processed foods lots of veggies and fruits that I could tolerate because lots of foods make it so much worse. And I don't take anything except a good multi vitamin and make sure and spend 30 min in the sun for vitamin d everyday, but just changing my diet and getting a multi vitamin and no more alcohol has taken the edge off considerably! Hope you feel better soon, it will ease up as it doesn't last forever before some other crazy symptom starts lol ...

    • Posted

      I have no ideal how in the world you can carry on with daily task with panic and anxiety as server as it is! I mean I get the physcial symptoms such as scary feeling in chest and upper stomach, fight to flight deal, internal nervousness and feeling like you could go into a convulsion at any second! The symptoms are so bad they keep you not functioning or able too. So You are one in a million that can do and and handle them the way you do. SWEATS are terrible too. 
    • Posted

      Hi Crosado, yes I definitely have some pretty severe symptoms, and although I like to think of myself as one in a million in all reality I'm really not.. Its just my way of coping with the morning anxiety. I absolutely cannot just lay there in bed when I'm awaken in the wee hours I get up and do whatever to keep me busy for a couple hours it makes me feel so much better. And then I push on I'll try and make it through my day of I can't then I don't then I try again after I rest a bit later on in the day. And it's usually if I'm at a store something about them bright lights and if the store is big sends me into anxiety dizzy panic mode, and I have to turn around and get the heck out of there quick. I use to drive for a living and couldn't imagine doing that now, so now I work from home I have an online very small business and need to be able to go out and ship for my

    • Posted

      Sorry posted before I could finish anyhow, need to be able to shop for my inventory and sometimes just cant, and if I can't cope that day I don't if I can i do. So I take it one day at a time whatever works 😁

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      How about you what helps you make it through the day and cope?
    • Posted

      Wow I had that gotta get out of a store real quick too!  My daughter has the mailman pick up her boxes at the house not sure if it cost more or not. I just saying you have much better ccontrol over it then I do, I dont stay in bed but I'm up pacing scared to death! I just dont know why the suffering with meno is so hard rough and down right scary! Mine attacks have been sticking with me every DAY and night so far for over 4 weeks!  They are off and on throughout the day MORE on then off. Plus the crying and the constant REAL fear is so tormenting!

    • Posted

      Thats just it i'm NOT coping I mean I can't fight through or ignored the symptoms they are too great! I have no one during the day to talk to at the house so my fear is even doubled and what scares me the most is I have low blood sugar and the symtomps are so simular SO I eat till they go away which is killing me and I'm trying to work on it but it's  so hard. My mind is opn high alert with every single symptoms plus I keep that jittery nervous feeling and that scares me too! I dont know how to cope I can take all the advice I can get. IAM to scare to take panic and anxiety meds! The rapid heart beat and palps are scary too. Its seems like NON stop I have panic and anxiety my whole life BUT NOT this everyday non stop since meno! 

    • Posted

      Well I definitely know how you feel and where your coming from, I don't take any of those anxiety meds either I have the Xanax but way to scared to try, but then I've always been like that since a reaction years ago to cold meds I only take ibuprofen for pain and a multi vitamin, I have the progesterone cream and haven't tried that yet either , although I'm working up my courage for that because that stuff is suppose to really work magic so I think I'll try that sooner or later. I don't really talk with anyone either which is why I'm so glad I've found this forum. I do a lot of reading others posts and it really calms me knowing I'm not alone even though I feel that way! I have 2 grown sons with lives of their own who don't have a clue about a woman issues in this dept. And a husband who works sun up to sun down. My mom who I use to call and talk to but she's had some health issues and so I now keep my issues from her, for fear I will make her worry to much about me so I keep it in. A sister but she breezed right thru her memo how I don't know it's just very frustrating that anyone that I bring this all up to is clueless! They look at ya like you have a 3rd, eye ha... And the blood sugar issues I've had low blood sugar my entire life it's awful just awful, when I was pregnant many moons ago I almost fainted 9 months into pregnancy at the store I had to sit on the floor.. Pretty embarrassing to say the least. My mom's low sugar has turned to diabetes now and she must give herself insulin shots and the pills, hope you get a break from all these nasty symptoms soon!!!!

    • Posted

      Oh and forgot to say yes the crying and just bad worrisome feelings for no good reason at all has been with me for 3 consecutive lovely months in a row now... Its my newest set of symptoms and I'm waiting patiently for this one to go!

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