Belching all the time, when eating and drinking. Anyone the same?

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Hi ladies

This is driving me insane. Belching all the time with tummy wind... It is worse at certain times... When I eat or drink anything. I am wondering if this is a side affect of my 2mg hrt tablet? Anyone experiencing this with or without hrt... I'd really love to hear if simular... Thx in advance. CK

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Hun yes I always have this, I'm not on hrt, think it's just another wonderful symtom of peri !? X

    • Posted

      Hi Healey... Thx for getting back to me... It's a nightmare at times... Thx Haley xx

  • Posted

    I absolutely did experience this and it was bad!! Sometimes I belch so much my husband would call me a sailor!😐 I to was on heart medication for about 5 yrs then all of a sudden the heart thing just disappeared! Go figure! So I don’t take any medicine now! I still have the bouts of burping! I guess you can’t have it go all at once!😩 I’ll pray for you because I know just how bad it can be. 

    • Posted

      Thx Maureen.... It drives me nuts as I can feel like my tummy is hollow at times... I'm hoping this will pass... Bloody hormones and menapause... Thx so much for your reply. CK??

  • Posted

    Hi Carol

    I have this, it's a nightmare.  Even first thing when I get up without any food or drink :-(  I think it's to do with decreased bile production due to hormonal shift.


    • Posted

      Hi Susan... Sympathy for you also... Thx so much for your reply and praying this nightmare will stop soon... Thanks lovey x
  • Posted

    same! And gas! never had any of these before peri started.
    • Posted

      The gas! I fart like a machine gun first thing very morning! The gas problem had gone away now it's back. There are so many foods I can't eat anymore. Corn, cabbage, beans, hummus, ice cream, almonds(they don't give me gas, I just have a hard time digesting them now). Sometimes I'm afraid to eat because sometimes you can eat something and it doesn't bother you and the next time all hell breaks loose!sadeek

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita... When will this end eh.... It's a nitemare.... If my tummy is empty it feels worse... And the wind is the same... I think this will never end and I'm hoping I don't have liver probs ect... Your mind wanders doesn't it to unhealthy places as it just seems to never end... Thx for the reply... Ckx

  • Posted

    I had this for a couple years. What I found out is it was the coffee with flavored creamer. I gave up coffee and that nearly ended those episodes. Only getting them once in a while but it would be so bad that my hubby would get annoyed lol
    • Posted

      Thanks Nancy but this even happens with water!! Drives me nuts. CK
    • Posted

      Hi Nancy.  I am so glad you posted that!  I have been thinking the same thing about the coffee.  I love my coffee and creamer, but I guess I am going to finally have to give it up.  
  • Posted

    Yes.  I get this a lot.  I am not on hrt and have been in peri about 3 years.  

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