Belching all the time, when eating and drinking. Anyone the same?
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Hi ladies
This is driving me insane. Belching all the time with tummy wind... It is worse at certain times... When I eat or drink anything. I am wondering if this is a side affect of my 2mg hrt tablet? Anyone experiencing this with or without hrt... I'd really love to hear if simular... Thx in advance. CK
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haley30534 CarolKelso
Hi Hun yes I always have this, I'm not on hrt, think it's just another wonderful symtom of peri !? X
CarolKelso haley30534
Hi Healey... Thx for getting back to me... It's a nightmare at times... Thx Haley xx
maureen12052 CarolKelso
I absolutely did experience this and it was bad!! Sometimes I belch so much my husband would call me a sailor!😐 I to was on heart medication for about 5 yrs then all of a sudden the heart thing just disappeared! Go figure! So I don’t take any medicine now! I still have the bouts of burping! I guess you can’t have it go all at once!😩 I’ll pray for you because I know just how bad it can be.
CarolKelso maureen12052
Thx Maureen.... It drives me nuts as I can feel like my tummy is hollow at times... I'm hoping this will pass... Bloody hormones and menapause... Thx so much for your reply. CK??
susan56920 CarolKelso
Hi Carol
I have this, it's a nightmare. Even first thing when I get up without any food or drink :-( I think it's to do with decreased bile production due to hormonal shift.
CarolKelso susan56920
anetta94863 CarolKelso
juanita93228 anetta94863
The gas! I fart like a machine gun first thing very morning! The gas problem had gone away now it's back. There are so many foods I can't eat anymore. Corn, cabbage, beans, hummus, ice cream, almonds(they don't give me gas, I just have a hard time digesting them now). Sometimes I'm afraid to eat because sometimes you can eat something and it doesn't bother you and the next time all hell breaks loose!

CarolKelso juanita93228
Hi Juanita... When will this end eh.... It's a nitemare.... If my tummy is empty it feels worse... And the wind is the same... I think this will never end and I'm hoping I don't have liver probs ect... Your mind wanders doesn't it to unhealthy places as it just seems to never end... Thx for the reply... Ckx
nancy0925 CarolKelso
CarolKelso nancy0925
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2chr2015 CarolKelso