Better In the Evenings

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I have noticed that I am now back to a pattern of feeling better in the evenings. The days can be horrendous, but by the end of the day, it can switch in an instant. Within seconds, all of the dark, obsessive thinking evaporates, and I am back to my optimistic self.

I am wondering if other women have noticed a similar pattern, and, if so, what this might mean.

Any feedback / insights would be greatly appreciated:)

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Im exactly like that. days are horrible, nights are much better. Dont get it. is it the exhaust from constant worry and stress.

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    Mine has gotten worse at night. I went to ER today because I was up all night with diarrhea and a horrible gassy feeling , they did ct scan and said it was a virus. My hands and feet have started sweating this is new for me. I feel ok as long as Im not alone . I am wondering if its not just my nerves because my 34 year old Daughter is getting married and its making me feel lonely and anxious.

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      My intro into perimenopause was a migraine aura. Shortly after, I started getting these weird waves of adrenaline and my palms and feet would sweat. I still don't know if it is a hot flash or an anxiety attacks. My heart pounds/beats fasts and I get a little woozy.

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    i don't know what causes that but i will do the same thing. its like a light switch and i am fine after being a worrying doom and gloom all day. when i first started in peri the nights were worse. Now it can be anytime!

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    pretty sure this has a physiological basis. I have hot flashes at night and early in the morning which causes intense seconds of sweating increased heart rate and almost a panicky feeling. They have been happening for a year now so I’m used to it. But it’s almost like getting a giant adrenaline surge. So many of the women on here report having these during the early morning hours between 3 and 7 AM. An emergency room nurse that I know calls this the "witching hour" and says that’s what most women have hot flashes/night sweats/hormone fluctuations. thats why we feel the worst in the morning and better by evening.

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      Hey Andrea/Claire and Bev, get one of those spray bottles that has a battery operated fan on it. mix it witch hazel and several drops of essential peppermint oil. It shuts the hot flash down in a heartbeat. Spray on your chest, inner arms, face, back of knees, and where the top of your legs meet the torso. also I used to keep a small cooler by my bed at night with those gel ice packs and if you take it and put it between your breasts, it also shuts The hot flashes down. I really feel like, it’s almost like there is an internal furnace, right there in our chest, between the breasts. also melatonin, 5– HTP and L - THEANINE are good for sleep. The 5- HTP and the L-THEANINE can also be taken during the day for anxiety, Great Supplements 😃 blessings to you all 😉

  • Posted

    hello Bev, I have found that mine seems to be worse in the morning, at waking, at about the same time every day at 3pm, I’ll hot flash and feel like I wanna rage on someone’s ass 😉 lol... and sometimes when I’m laying in bed, early evening, I feel like for a split second, I’m gonna lose my mind or I could scream bloody murder. I just tell myself ...these are your hormones fluctuating… I breathe in and out several times and I pray to God ...and I say ..literally... “please Jesus control my thinking ,' it does seem to help. See if you can keep a journal and is it worse when you’re ovulating or when it’s your cycle? i used to put smiley faces and frowns on my calendar for good and bad days, but I’m the type of person that has a hard time sticking with stuff. I have found along this journey, I am three years post menopause now, and the perimenopause lasted forever, like 10 to 15 years. I have found that I tried to be healthy and walk a few years back and then at some point.... I’m not sure if this happens to everybody, but you just get so fed up that you just say screw it and start eating whatever you want, and like you just don’t care. I think we do that honestly because certain foods fake serotonin and we eat them just to get a good feeling we grasp at it ...I mean these women that breeze through this time, I don’t believe it, I think they’re on something and they’re not telling anybody. I think everyone is different, I don’t think there’s a firm answer for this because it all depends on the hormones fluctuating and the stages we are each in ..which in time of course changes as well. I actually worked for a company several years ago that our manager told us we couldn’t take deep sighs. Of course we were all women going through perimenopause and I didn’t even realize that till now. Can you imagine ...telling your female employees you can’t take a deep breath, it’s a natural bodily function, they should’ve been sued for that! and had any of us had the presence of mind... we would’ve done that, at least I would’ve. anyhow, I hope this finds you having a good day 😃

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    since hitting peri early jan this year my worse time is the witching hour if i wake around 3am i know iam in for a really rough ride hot sweats full on anxiety, palpitations,numerous trips to the loo feeling like iam gona pass out and the doom and dread iam gona have a heart attack and die to the point my hubby has rang the paramedics twice and all that has been wrong is my bp is through the roof 180/117 and its all down to the bloody menopause i wake up 6 do all i need to then go work 12-8pm then i still try and watch tv in bed until about 1am so i dont wake up before it gets light then i dont have a panic attack was never ever like this before the bloody menopause over took my brain and if it wasnt for you ladies i think i would have lost the plot a long time ago so a big thankyou and big hugs to all those who are going through this crap they call the menopause xx

  • Posted

    hey ladies. i hope everyone is feeling better than me today lol. i had to go back and find this thread so i wouldn't feel so alone bc i am really struggling today. it has been a couple of doom and gloom days for me. I am ready for the switch to be flipped. ugh. i am going to note this in my meno app so maybe next time it happens i can see if it is cyclical. it's just when you are going through days like this, it is hard to believe it will get better. I am trying to tell myself it is these dang hormones! and I am praying that one day these moments will only be in my memory so I can help others! thank you for being here to listen ((hugs))

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