bio identicals vs letting nature be
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I have been on bio identicals, for about 7-8 months now. Ive been in Meno hell for about a year and desperately trying supplements, accupuncture etc etc for what ails me.
After being on these bio identicals and attempting to 'trouble shoot' them to 'get them right' after doing labs, im still exacly the same.
Not balanced, depressed, and battling anxiety all of which have turned my life upsidedown.
I do what everyone does but it take fierce efforts to get through each without exaggeration.
My question for those women who have used bio identicals..Do you feel its helped or not?
Im starting to think that for me maybe its not going to ever help. Im tempted to maybe let nature just take its course and run out all of my hormones and see if i feel better. With the bio identicals, i feel like im in a state of premenstrual syndrome x 10, 24/7. Just the real hormonally fragile, emotional, imbalanced feeling that we get before our period..
Im tempted to go off them but afraid that it could be worse without them?
your thoughts..
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alison91416 mauiblue
Hi I feel the same. I'm on oestrogen patches and mirena coil but feel edgy all the time. I wondering about going natural too. This is so frustrating for all of us.... X
Guest mauiblue
gailannie mauiblue
Mauiblue, your post couldn't have come at a better time for me. I've had this book title in my head for days (which I just might write) THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY OF HRT........with the word GOOD crossed out. (How's that for a title?)
You are not alone my dear. May I ask how old you are and how far along in this menopause journey?
I hit menopause running and almost didn't notice a thing. But four years in, I got hit big time. It was the vaginal dryness and atrophy that made me sit up and take notice. It's been a living hell trying to get some help since then. I even went to an endocrinologist who specializes in HRT, charges a fortune, has lectured and written books, and when she finally got me to the point where she said I was balanced (based on labs) I felt horrid. It was exactly what you said about feeling like I was in a constant state of hormone imbalance.
I've had really strange symptoms including hair changes, skin changes, tingling sensations, the feeling of fat growing on my butt and legs, and weird brain sensations. None of these are for the better.
I think we've all been suckered into the Suzanne Summers SEXY FOR LIFE narrative. While I know there are many women who claim HRT saved their life, not all of us feel this way. I'd love to hear other women's bad experiences with HRT. I think I need to write this book for all of us feeling this way.
mauiblue gailannie
Thank you for replying. I have been trying to get homrones right with a lady who i really good "supposedly' and they are finally 'balanced' on paper- lab wise, my numbers are good, but i feel atrocious, off balanced in a hormonal 'storm' of unease, instability, awful.
So i think that after all this time i have to accept that they may be making things worse. I dont think im cut out for the bio identicals..
I know though that they help many women, and again when i go off them i may feel even worse..if this is humanly possible.
Im 53 now, and fell into meno a year ago with no periods for 12 months now. This last year has turned my life upside down, dperession/moods/ never experienced prior in my life other than the baby blue for a month after my sons birth.
So yes i think im going to continue my research, pray, and hope, and do what i need to do to try and hep myself.
This forum is so supportive.How old are you Gailannie? I hope you write this book what a great idea! Yes for certain we are not all Suzanne somers. and maybe we are just supposed to let things go naturally.
The hormones make me feel like im on the verge of a very bad month, and so off and surreal, and dark.
Lets keep eachother posted as to what we do and what changes we make.
would love to hear back again.
mauiblue gailannie
I just wanted to ask you also if you are still on the hrt and what is your approach to things now?
Im considering just going off it, as it hasnt helped at all with my symptoms.
gailannie mauiblue
I'm in a limbo state right now. I am using some HRT, but certainly not happy. I did go off completely in the fall of 2016, found myself emotionally flat and feeling really bad. Decided I'd go back on and haven't been happy with that either.
One of the problems I have is I do believe all the research suggesting we are healthier with some estrogen on board. I have higher cholesterol than I should and know the estrogen can correct that issue. I'd certainly like to avoid going on cholesterol medication if I could. And of course, vaginal atrophy and dryness never just simply go away with out treatment. So there is the problem. Where do I go from here?
gailannie mauiblue
After re reading your post Mauiblue, I had to mention this. I also went to an endocrinologist who is supposedly an expert on female hormones. She write and lectures. Seeing this women was EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE (I'm talking $3,500 for the initial visit) and i had to fly half way across the country to do it. I stuck with her protocol believing that once she got me "balanced" I'd feel great. A year later, she said I looked balanced. And I felt like hell. But according to her my labs said otherwise. What a waste of time and money.
I'm now 61. Perimenopause started at 43 for me. Last period was at 53. I think a lot of women would read my book. I can say one thing, labs don't always reflect how you are feeling, and realistically doctors have no idea how to help. They can't see inside our cells, or know exactly what these chemicals are doing to all our primary hormone systems.
Whatever you do though Mauiblue, don't quit cold turkey. That can be a rough ride down.
mauiblue gailannie
Wow you have been at this for some time then. How do you compare how you felt at 53 with how you are now at 61, and what are you doing to help yourself at this time?
I dont plan on going cold turkey but im tapering off on my own. With hormones it feels awful, without hormones probably also the same. Ive been up and down with these things for a while now so i know the ride all too well.
Im sorry you had to spend all of that money for someone to tell you that your numbers look good and you feel poorly.
Im reading more and more now how its all symptom based, numbers dont mean anything.....
I hope you are in a better place now that youve been through so much.
Let me know your story, im here, and its great to have support
gailannie mauiblue
Yes support does help. At 53 I was still running a cleaning business, doing all the back breaking work myself. Sometimes 3 houses a day. But I'll tell you what, this 60 thing kicks your butt. Sorry, but I do wish people were more honest about all this. I was always such a strong, healthy woman, always on the go all day long. Now????? I could care less about most things. Don't have the energy or the desire. And it totally stinks!
Sorry, don't mean to sound like a Debbie Downer, but that's how I feel right now.
mauiblue gailannie
No you arent a debbie downer you are just realistic. Its good to be honest. I have lots of energy but im also very weak at the same time its hard to explalin.
Is there anything that you can take that helps and how are your moods? Are your kids out of the nest?
I feel for you, and only hope that i can stay with it long enough for something to settle down. Sometimes women get over it sooner than later, and sometimes it takes a lot of internal work, emotional, psychological homework, its like a rebirthing says christine northrup.
gailannie mauiblue
Yes my three children are all grown and out on their own. I have 3 grandchildren with another one on the way in just a couple of weeks. My mood is flat. Normally I was one of those always happy, smiling and peppy gals. Now I just feel like a different person. Nothing really tickles my fancy.
I remember all those years where I kept thinking once the kids were raised I'd have all kinds of time and could do all those projects I didn't have time for. Now that I'm here, I could care less. I saw a meme that said it all: When I was a kid, I wanted to be older......... this sh*t is not what I expected.
mauiblue gailannie
Yes I understand. Are there things that you enjoy enough where you get out of the flat feeling?
Have you ever tried anything/meds to help with this? (i know - duh dumb question)
I actually have no energy or interest to do anything other than look after my boys and make sure i do my best, go to work, and provide. I couldn't do anymore if i tried.
How about that!
You also have your kids and grandkids which is huge.
I son is not in a hurry to work and go out there in the world and struggle..he sees how it is. I say..stay as young as possible inside and out. I dont take things too seriously.
Doing so much research on this Meno crap has taken alot out of me, and theres nothing to show for other than same same. im just going with it and doing my best thats all i can do.
I do believe however that the mind is verry powerful and our mind/body connections can do miracles if we figure ourselves out.
gailannie mauiblue
I was given an antidepressant one time. Boy that didn't set well with me. I took that darn pill and wound up on the sofa all day long. My head hurt and throbbed. I felt heavy and weak. And the crazy thing was, it was the same antidepressant I'd taken a decade earlier! But that was before menopause, and it certainly didn't work the same this time. So that ended that.
Mauiblue, you are obviously doing the best you can. Things are changing inside our bodies and boy it makes a difference.
bev27429 mauiblue
Hi Mauiblue,
I did try a course of bioidentical progesterone (Prometrium) in doses from 50mg to 300mg. I found that I became increasingly depressed (really black) on it. I told my GP, and she indicated that in certain women, it does worsen mood. When I asked my psychiatrist, he said that progesterone, bioidentical or not, does lead to depression, and that I should steer clear of it.
Like you, I have spent so much time searching for something to get me through this time, as it is just SOOOO hard! I have tried basically ever herbal that exists (nothing works). I have resigned myself to riding it out, but sometimes it is such a struggle.
I just keep telling myself that my body will reregulate on its own. I try to keep busy and engage in soothing activities; sometimes gardening helps a bit.
For each day that I get through, I am so proud of myself, and I tell myself that that's another day down, and I am one step closer to the end.
I hope this helps a bit.
mauiblue bev27429
The one doctor that tried to help me thought that i needed a lot of progesterone so he had me take mega doses for about a month and it was the worst, darkest time for me too. Yes, progesterone for certain can make depression worse.
I changed the regimen to more estradiol and less progesterone, but as ive been saying, it doesnt matter what i take or what my numbers are, im not feeling right AT ALL on them.
Prior to all of this were your moods ok?
I think that i may have to go cold turkey as well. I am doing good things for myself ofcourse, but it doesnt cure this, if anything cures this its going to be TIME.
Thank you for responding and supporting me. And yes we need to be kind to ourselves, and each day we get through it we must pat ourselves on the back. I do every night, just give thanks that im still here, and managing my life with my boys.
bev27429 mauiblue
Hi Mauiblue,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, prior to this my moods were completely stable. I have NEVER encountered anything like this in my life!
I have had weird, dark thoughts that come and go. Even though I tell myself that it is hormones, it is pretty darned scary. I have had crying jags where I sob uncontrollably. I have felt deep depression that I thought would never end; then, in a matter of moments it can be gone, and I am filled with peace; it is almost a bliss state, like mild euphoria.
This has been the strangest, most challenging time in my life. I know that I am an incredibly strong woman; honestly, I don't think most people could have kept carrying on, given what I have had to deal with over the past eight months or so.
I believe in my body's ability to heal itself, and I know that, given enough time, my hormones will settle and stability will return. In the interim, I am gentle with myself. The online support from the women on this site has been immensely helpful.
You will find wellness, for sure! Just keep hanging in.
gailannie mauiblue
I'm sorry if I missed this Mauiblue, but when you say MEGA DOSES, do you mind telling me how much and what route of administration. I find this very interesting.
mauiblue gailannie
So 260 total a day. Not good for me. And because he thought my estsogen was high at the time he had me taking DIM wihich bottomed out my etradiol to less than 0.5 which is as low as you go, not detectable.
Right before menopause I had really high estogen and hardly any progesteone, and i felt good.
So zero estrogen and high progesterone was a bad thing.
Now i have no idea where im at, im just tapering off and being my own guinea own case study..after alll
WE know our bodies better than anyone else, and if we are able to find a professional that can help us figure it out then we are blessed, but ive yet to find one.
mauiblue bev27429
Thanks for your words, and its as if im reading about myself sometimes...
The hardest year ive ever been through in my lifetime, nothing compares to this.
And for me same thing...never had this prior to Meno. Just regular period mood swings that would go away in a day or so. This has been a life changer.
I agree, i wonder at how many women could actually get through what ive been through with their sanity..i am always amazed that i make it every day.! I think that having a support system is paramount, and because i have none its made it so much more challenging.
its just me and my kiddos
your right, we will make it, it just is a matter of time.
I have felt those moments of euphoria also and peace but they are verrrrrrry short lived. Most of the time im battling the low confusing depressed moods. The anxiety is so stupid sometimes im so mad that i have it because there is NOthING im thinking about it simply is there with me. I have not had a panic attack, but i battle with the anxiety, and my mind worries so much for nothing.
I also am learning about the whole endocrine system and its all tied together. Our thyroid, our adrenals, ovaries, they are working to keep things balanced and because we are losing some of these hormones the others take over and that is also why thyroid issues are so prevalent in menopausal women, its all tied together.
Thank you again ladies
its comforting that we have eachother
gailannie mauiblue
Did you do labs in early meno?
I do seem to look and fell better with a little progesterone on board. But my estrogen has to be up first. Problem becomes protecting my uterus.