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Hi Ladies. I have been bleeding for 17 days now, after not having period for 2 months. I had D&C back in September already found the same reason. Now its all over again. Went to see doc, who gave me tranixamic acid to take. I had it before and it doesn't help on its own. I am terrified to take hormones. I am loosing my strengths and getting weaker day by day. How long am I going to bleed? What to do? Has any of you ladies experienced anything like that? Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
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Sus28 inessa7
shaznay96184 inessa7
Yep. I had a similar bleed over Xmas/NY: in effect 2 P's with a 5 days break inbetween: bled 19 our of 26 days! You have my total sympathy.
How long your bleed will last: I'm afraid I can't tell you that, but when I was nearing the end of my 'second' P, I felt my whole mood change.
Funny thing is, after I stopped (which did stop, rather than go on and on as a discharge for 3-4 days, as it usually does. What a welcome change!) my mood continued to improve, so much so that I felt like I was on a bit of a 'High'!! Well I'm still feeling really good, and have started yet another bloody P, but I had absolutely no cranky build up to that one. No moans, tears, rants (aside from giving a telesales bloke a right ol' time of it: my phone, my terms (I loved it, in actual fact
!). Have had a little 'over-breathing' and maybe a slight 'flush', but I don't feel too bad at all (famous last words: I'll probably feel like I'm dying this time tomorrow!!)
I took tanixamic acid for a couple of years (one of the few meds I've ever taken in my life). Had an IUD which are notorious for giving really heavy bleeds (except Mirena, I believe). Ath the time they were a God-send. Found could make me a bit nausous sometimes. Made sure I took on a full stomache.
But, I noticed that on the occasions that I got my prescrip in time, and gone 'commando' so to speak, I found that the bleeding had lightened up so much anyway.
This was a great opportunity to stop taking them completely, as I absolutely hate taking ANY medication, prescribed or otherwise. Haven't used them for 5-6yrs now.
You don't say if you take any other support: vits & mins for Perimenopause? With my hatred of meds in general, I felt I had no choice but to take some Lady supplements: Menopace Vitabiotics. Vit D, B Vits, iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium etc etc. Have to say that since I've been taking them, I've not ached anywhere near as much as I had around Xmas time. Only taken them since the New Year, but maybe I was in desperate need of something. Fingers X'd they are doing some good and this is not the calm before the storm??!!
Maybe you're a little low on these vits/mins? Its really common for women to be low in these because of our Ps.
would something like this suit: they're not hormonal at all, and maybe replenish what we're losing. There are some great posts on here about Vits & Mins by lots of women who are very knowledgeable about all our symptoms, especially those already in menopause. Have a nose around and have a read: I believe you'll get answers from true 'Experts' - not a young Doc who has no idea about Peri- let alone Menopause!!
luvteacakes inessa7
Hi there
yes ive had prolonged bleeding too & so have many of the ladies I work with. I think the record is held by one of the teaching assistants who bled for 19 weeks!! Such is the conversation in the staffroom! Anyway you are not alone. Most had polyps, fibroids - usual stuff or it was just hormones- Just hormones Ha ha! You know what I mean. It never seems to stop and yes, very tiring not just physically but mentally too. Remember the days when you could nip for a quick wee? Now it's like ER meets A&E bloodbath everytime!! Def buying shares in tampax!!
shaznay96184 luvteacakes
Oh yeah, and why is it that young girls never leave home with a supply of towels/tampons/painkillers??? I was like Boots-meets-Superdrug!!.
Zantecat inessa7
Hang in there, all will end eventually.
inessa7 Zantecat
Zantecat inessa7
like others here have said seek other medical advise. I
Yes iron tablets can make you constipated, buy something like spatone this stuff works and is as natural as it comes.
There are options for you but it depends on lots of things , you don't say how old you are, if you are old enough for this to beperi meno pause then your symptoms maybe because of this and not a cause for concern, your hormones and everything go out of balance at this time and you can get many symptoms Iincluding the anxiety that you describe. It is a horrible time but you will get through it. Talk to doctor, female family and friends and people here can help.
inessa7 Zantecat
shaznay96184 Zantecat
The tranixamic acid lightens bleeding (personally found the 'lumps of liver' disappeared and bleed was brighter and lighter, rather than the clotted, dark blob I had put up with), but I really wouldn't know if its 'man' enough for a proper fibroid/polyp bleed.
My sister actually suggested this procedure to her GP after reading about it in the Press. I also advised a friend's aunt to suggest this as alternative to her planned Hyst'y: she had this procedure and never needed the H: result!!