Bleeding after menopause

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I'm 56 year old woman haven't had a period in 18 months and had a D&C five months ago for fibroids and had them removed after very heavy bleeding from them now 5 months after I'm bleeding again but not heavy it goes on and off and stops so I'm thinking my periods are back or is it from stress or what anyone can help me and let me know what to do or what causing it I'm thinking cancer all the way

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sweetie I understand how you are feeling the anxiety is unbearable I to have had a bleeding after all clear in August I had my bleeding January I have some cell changes after a biopsy and thickness to my lining I am now waiting a d&c xx I would go back to your gp perhaps a blood test and a ultrasound may give you some answers x I will keep you in my thoughts 🙏🏻🙏🏻Bless you xxx

    • Posted

      I have to go back and see my gyno my own family doctor told me bleeding isn't normal after menopause but I do have a hormone imbalance as well as throid problem and have had it all my life I do have policystic ovaries which also doesn't help me the bleeding has stopped by for how long I can only wait to see when my next adventure will be

    • Posted

      Thank You for letting me know I will be thinking of you wish you all the good luck I can xx be kind to yourself I hope you will keep me posted I will be thinking of you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • Posted

      I will keep you posted and thank you for your concern hope all goes well for you as well I will be thinking of you too
  • Posted

    When you start reading all these forums, you will realize it is quite common. I'm guessing when they removed the fibroids, they tested the tissue. You would have been informed if it was cancer. Probably the fibroids came back.

    I had fibroids my whole life, which shrunk when I went on the birth control pill. My last scan showed polyps but no fibroids. I had the scan due to postmenapausal bleeding.

    • Posted

      Thank you I have talked with my doctor and he did say bleeding of any sort isn't good after menopause it could be one of two things fibroids grew back or cancer but I'm getting checked to be sure I have stopped bleeding for now but I'm not going to go through it again as I did the first time hopefully it's only stress that caused this to come back I'll soon know

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