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is anyone experience bloating. I'm also experiencing cramps yesterday and today just finished a period. my health anxiety is making me worry. the cramping is like I'm due a period but just finished.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    OMG you are describing me !!!! My period justa finishes yesterday but I’m bloated, mild cramps on the lower abdomen and nauseated and frequent trips to the bathroom but is not diarreah still kind of solid . I’m here at work now worry and the nauseas  . My BP went up for a second . I’m frustrated cursing at my body to leave alone lol. I’m happy I’m not alone
    • Posted

      it's always better to know you are not alone for me that eases the anxiety. it's awful isn't it. I've got a headache too and now just feel fed up. Thanks for replying and hopefully we will feel better soon xx

  • Posted

    Hi Vicky, dont worry, bloating, cramping, severe gas are all part and parcel of this wonderful journey us ladies are all forced to take. I have all of these symptoms all the time. Just about to start the rounds of all the tests again and I'm sure they will all come back normal. But dont stress because that will just make you feel worse. XXX

    • Posted

      thanks Tina. sorry to hear your going through it as well you have reassured me though thanks xx
    • Posted

      You are most welcome Vicky. Always here if you need a chat! XXX
  • Posted

    I'm going through just the same thing. Since my last period I have been bloated, burping as the day goes on for about two weeks now. I am currently going through tests to eliminate the worse am I being positive that this is just one of the lengthy list of symptoms that the menopause throws at you. Thankfully reading through this forum makes me feel that I am not alone smile

    • Posted

      Hi are you feeling bloated all the time. I'm fine in morning but as the day goes on I feel cramps and bloated worst at night x

    • Posted

      Hi yes, the morning is ok and then as soon as I have breakfast it starts. I've also got pelvic pressure that comes and goes and this is normally when I'm sitting down. When I'm on the go (have dogs and horses), I have no symptoms at all. The minute I sit down it starts and like you the nights are worse. I've got my blood test tomorrow and ultrasound next week to eliminate the worse worries and I hope this is just the womb shutting up shop and sticking up two fingers! biggrin

    • Posted

      sounds exactly like me. I hope all goes well with tests let me know how you get on x
  • Posted

    Hello again like right now I’m having cramps, breast feel full / tender specially the left one, mid back pain and lower back lain, lower abdominal pain mild one and this morning nauseated, horrible .  My ansiety is at 10 thinking is C word and I know I’m it the only one but it is hard.   
    • Posted

      same here my chest feels tight I'm bloated got abdominal cramps my anxiety is really high and my mood is low. we are snowed in just now and family have been home for past 2 days due to the weather I should be enjoying the rare time off and the excitement of snow days but instead I'm miserable with worrying xx

    • Posted

      Me too . We had a snowstorm a few months back in.  Virginia  and was uff  we were stuck and all I was thinking was please don’t let me be sick! I’m here if you need to talk  I feel alone sometimes and I won’t tell my husband everything I don’t want to tired him with my worries.
    • Posted

      Hi hun, did your husband not take you for better or worse and in sickness and in health! He should be totally supporting you right now and how old are your children? If teenagers then old enough to be made to understand that mom needs alot of love and support right now. I have been so lucky and totally amazed by the support of my partner and 2 boys. My 20 year old son will hold me in his arms if I have a panic attack and my adopted son also 20 will hold one of my hands and talk to me and bring me down. My partner cant do enough for me. He spoils me rotten and is very sympathetic and understanding. To top it off my dr also male, bends over backwards to do what he can for me. So dont shy away from your loved ones they may just surprise you! XXX
    • Posted

      Oh no my husband is amazing he is my soulmate  and is my choice no to tell him everything  . Believed me he is there for me in every way he also in the Navy and he works so hard and he comes home and cook for us while I’m at work and he is spoiled me rotten also It is just don’t want to burden him with my aches and pain , he also has his stress and he is getting ready to go on deployment in nov for 7 months and I’m in ansiety mode.  I have 3 kids my 26 yr old he help me , my 20 yr old never home and I have a 11 yr old  that’s need me.  
    • Posted

      Oh I see, from what you tell me now I understand alot more. I thought you felt you couldnt talk to anyone close to you. Your older children should be more understanding because at the end of the day they only are who they are, and where they are today because of all the love, care and support youve given to them. I really feel for you having a husband in the service of his country. It must be so very hard for you when he is deployed away from home. You must be a very strong woman to deal with that in itself. Make sure that you keep in contact with the forum whenever you feel you need someone. I know some of us are probably very far away from you but we can always give you our love and support from here. Feel free to message me anytime you need to vent how you feel or you need reassurance and even just some company, someone to talk with to stop you from getting down. Always here for you. XXX
    • Posted

      Oh yeah my whole family is in Puerto Rico and Florida and we are station in Virginia so when he is deployed believe me my ansiety is at 20 . My oldest is the best helper tbe 11 yr old doesn’t understand he knows I go to the doctor a lot and I feel bad and I try not to go to the doctor and I deal with my Aches and pain . My husband knows but I don’t want to drill to much but he is very supportive .  I love this forum because I’m not crazy or dying ! Thanks so much and i will keep you guys update. I’m getting ready for a colonoscopy and a leg ultrasound 

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