Blood pressure high with palpitations
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I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned this dentist does its kind of like the deep cleaning but i just wanted a regular cleaning not one of those cleaning where they go under the gums. they took my blood pressure and it was high they said that they could not do the cleaning because of my blood pressure being high I was also having palpitations with this too
I am getting tired of my blood pressure being up and down with palpitations
Just don't know what to do about it all upset just feel like crying
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jennifer01077 susan21149
I think meditation really helps with blood pressure. My friend has a high blood pressure problem, and she can reduce it with meditation programs. I think guided meditations are the easiest, and you can find many on youtube.
My friend has a blood pressure cuff, and she measured before and after the meditation. She meditated for 30 minutes (which is longer than I ever have, to be honest). Her blood pressure went way down.
susan21149 jennifer01077
adam48021 susan21149
Studies have demonstrated increased sympathetic activity (increased blood pressure, heart rate and arrhythmia’s) in patients before any dental procedures (including administration of local anaesthetics) reflecting fear and anxiety and the effects of endogenous adrenaline in response to these feeling. Avoid drinking caffeine or other stimulating drinks before going for dental appointments. I also read, many people practice taking antibiotics before going to the dentist for any procedure, including a regular cleaning. However, I am not really sure about this one. Better to get it confirm with your GP.
susan21149 adam48021
It goes up and down with my anxieties and yes i do have a lot of anxieties
I feel like i need another blood pressure pill besides the Losartan to keep it down
bobbysgirl susan21149
Even so, there is something known as 'white coat syndrome' - situations like doctors/dentists that put up your BP (though in my case it should be 'taking mum shopping syndrome' I can feel my BP rising just thinking about it!
I also get palpatations, but I find acknowledging them and taking time out to concentrate on my breathing makes a BIG difference.
I'd say get to your GP and get to the bottom of WHY this is happening. But try not to get into a state about it. Are there any Yoga classes near you? That's very calming.
susan21149 bobbysgirl
Yesterday the dentist wanted to do a prudontial cleaning and all i asked for was a regular cleaning
I am having my boyfriend check to see what kind of cleaning he is going to have because he has chipped teeth and his teeth are not to good
If they give him a regular cleaning than i am going to complain about this to the dentist because i should only have a regular cleaning just the polish
Not the prodontial cleaning where they get to the gums and clean
I am getting a second opion with this