Blood results? Is it menopause
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Been having night sweats, insomnia, no sex drive, so went dr he done bloods I have results but dr not in till next week. Anyone understand them::
Fsh 6
Lh 21
estradiol 2.161
I'm 38
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maria101 dawn16
Hi dawn, I wish I could of find out mine all my Dr said its high what does that mean they never explain hormone testing properly I guess it's telling me I'm menopsal..some one else will come on and tell you your results if they know more then us.
Sochima822 dawn16
FSH levels range between: 3.1-7.9
LH range between: 1.4-5.5
Estradiol vary during phases. This number however is a bit low.
Your LH is high. Meaning you haven't ovulated. How are your periods?
dawn16 Sochima822
Sochima822 dawn16
So this means your estrogen is very low and your Luteinizing Hormone means your ovaries aren't producing many hormones. Hence the light periods. When it reaches 30 mIU/mL and above it means you're in menopause. Are you planning to go on HRT to regulate your hormones? I hope this all makes sense. It is rather more complicated than this but trying to make it so that you can understand.
metamorphed Sochima822
Just reading this and wondering if you have any further insight into my latest readings taken on day 4!
FSH 52
prog 1.34
estradiol 87
As usual, not much information given, just the usual. What do you think?
dawn16 Sochima822
So would you say that I am in menopause? Dr hasn't said nothing, no further action, but results aren't normal surely
Sochima822 dawn16
No, Dawn, when your LH reaches 30 mlu/mL then that's when you're in menopause. It's only 21. Your FSH is good. You're in perimenopause.
Sochima822 metamorphed
Hi meta, your FSH indicates you're entering menopause. Your numbers are all normal and within range. Are you having hormonal fluctuations?
metamorphed Sochima822
yes. I have had many symptoms of hormone fluctuation. I thought I may need progesterone but they didn't suggest it and I am none the wiser. I know I am reaching menopause but when you say the numbers are normal are they balancing, sorry, just not clued into these numbers at all
Sochima822 metamorphed
But you would need to ask your doctor. Your numbers mean they are within the range of no longer ovulating meaning your getting closer to hitting menopause.
metamorphed Sochima822
dawn16 Sochima822
Sochima822 dawn16
You can ask for birth control pills that will help balance your hormones or a low does estradiol. Since you're young birth control pills might work better or maybe the coil. But then you need to ask your doctor. But it's best to go in there informed than without a clue. Hope this helps.
colleen90305 Sochima822
Birth control provides estrogen . you maybe lacking progesterone as I do, but I'm not a doctor
sheena4572 Sochima822
Just a quick question when you have the levels for FSH are these the normal range? Mine was 6 back in February but I'm all over the place with symptoms and doctors won't listen to me so am trying to cope on my own.
Any help appreciated x
Sochima822 sheena4572
sheena4572 Sochima822
Oh symptoms where to start
January I thought I had a virus, feeling sickly and run down but then the aches and pains in my ribs and back started and stomach cramps. I was badly constipated so went to doctors. She said it was a virus and would clear itself. 4 weeks passed still no better although the constipation sorted itself. I then realised that my normally regular timed 28 days quite normal flow periods were coming anywhere for 3 weeks and were really heavy, aching boobs, mood swings, tearful, really tired, still rib ache and occasional stomach cramps. Also hair loss, spotty skin, feeling hot all the time, lack of concentration and memory problems. Went back and eventually had stomach and pelvis ultrasound - clear , internal - clear, breast and underarm examination - clear , bloods all fine apart from low b12 and she said my aches and pains were probably posture related and office based work obviously wouldn't help. Wouldn't entertain peri menopause as I'm too young 44 now. Have been seeing physio at work for back pain however all my joints are now hurting so she has advised to go back to doctor and have bloods redone. Hate feeling poorly but hate the impression the doctor gave me as he I was wasting her time.
colleen90305 sheena4572
sheena4572 colleen90305
The first doctor told me I had 8 minutes so to pick the symptom that was bothering me the most ?!! Not good enough really and she is the only permanent doctor at my practice at the minute so you can understand why I'm not sure about going back. X
Sochima822 sheena4572
Are you getting taking b12? It sounds as if you're needing vitamins. Do you take any? If not consider taking a multivitamin and some fish oil. I would also add some extra vitamin D3 aside from the multivitamin. I would also suggest you change your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods.
sheena4572 Sochima822
I am taking a self bought b12 spray as the doctors didn't seem concerned I have a relatively healthy diet with plenty of fruit and veg and water. Don't really know what else to take. Sheena x
Sochima822 sheena4572