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Had my bloods done last week because of irregular periods and i keep getting a twinge/pain in left ovary, I got a letter yesterday saying to make a non urgent appointment to dicuss things further. I am worrying now it's something bad. Took FBC, liver, hormones, thyroid, vit B12 abd inflammation.

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7 Replies

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    Hi Dianne I just had to reply to you. I had a trans signal scan 2weeks ago and after 7 days my surgery also called me to make a "non-urgent" appointment with my doctor. I was quite worried for the next 7 days (which was the earliest I could get an appointment) and when I arrived the Doctor couldn't understand why I had been called to come in as all was normal and well !!! Therefore, I think it really will be a quick chat so you can go over your results and discuss anything else you need so please dont worry. If it was anything to worry about I am sure they would have said so.

    All the best love -try not to worry and let me know how you get on love Lou xxx

  • Posted

    I had same and I had elevated liver enzymes and borderline vit b12. I had ovaries removed last year so it was a bit of a shock as i thought iy would have been related to that. I was told to retest in 3 months. Dr didn't seem concerned. But I've spent 3 months worrying. They really should tell us more these days as Dr Google does not help !! The fact it is a non urgent appointment is a good sign. When my hubby had no thyroid hormone not just low they called him on mobile to go to surgery that day so if it was something worrying them you'd have had a phone call. Hope you find out soon and it's nothing to worry about
  • Posted

    Not sure if it's an NHS thing (assuming you're in England) but in the event it's urgent, not necessarily life threatening, but urgent, our GP rings us to invite us in there and then. Not related to the menopause, my friend has copd and after a chest x-ray a shadow was found on her lung. The doctor rang her as soon as the results came in. It wasn't cancer but scarring on her lungs due to repeated chest infections, pneumonia and smoking. Think it was more of a warning appointment to sort her act out and pack up the fags. Another story, I had an ultrasound of my pelvis, I received a letter to discuss the results, being a total health anxiety nutter I rang the receptionist nearly having a meltdown, the receptionist told me if it was anything serious they'd ring me to see them immediately. Hope this has put ur mind at ease x
  • Posted

    Try not to worry. I know it's easier said than done. Of it was something sinister they would call you or have you come in right then and there. It may just be a follow up. I just had bloods done as well and my doc called to tell me I would be starting vit D as mines was really low. That was all she was concerned about. The rest she said we can discuss at my appointment. My bloods were done almost 6 weeks ago. So I'm sure it's nothing serious. Just a follow up. Hope this eases your mind.
  • Posted

    Dear Dianne,

      Since my last baby, and getting tubes tied, ONLY my left ovary aches when I get PMS pain.It is as if my right ovary feels non existent, though it is still there.Rarely I get mild cramp in right ovary.It may be your left ovary is the most active in your irregular cycle, sounds peri menopausal, are you under 40???Love Stella42

    • Posted

      No i am 46 (47 in june). I have since been back for the results and my hormones were abnormal and part of my liver function test was high. He is sending me for an ultrasound of ovaries and liver and retesting my liver blood test next week.

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