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Had bloods done last week and been to drs this morning and my hormones were out of whack but sending me for a scan of my ovaries because i mentioned getting a twinge in my left. Also part of my liver function test was abnormal too. Sick of always worrying about something.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Dianne, I hope all will turn out well for you... totally understand as I've been through lots of lab work, scans and testing, and finally surgery almost three weeks ago... definitely sick of always being worried.  Sometimes, test results are not as they appear - two separate types of scans showed a "mass in the ovary" for me that during surgery was revealed to be a "floating fibroid" hovering near the ovary!  Weeks of worrying about a nonexistent mass... yes, I know how you feel.  Take care and let us know how you're doing.
  • Posted

    Hi Ladies

    I know the feeling. I had 2 scans in the space of a week both TA/TV one said I had numerous fibroids and polyps and cyst 3.4 cm  and the other said nothing there no fibroids no tumors no polyps just a condition called adenomyosis. I am having a hystoroscopy  and polypectomy on Thursday, (terrified). Although my last scan said I have nothing to remove? My CA125 came back at 122 (so I am thinking the worst naturally) and I have only just stopped bleeding after a month of thinking I was going to die! Oh and not to mention I am pre menopause I found that out last week too.

    I have never had issues ever I am sick with worry so I understand completley.

    I hope all is well for you both. 

    • Posted

      Hi Amanda, I hope that your procedures go well.  I can understand your confusion about your scan results!  Regarding the CA 125, I've read that a number of things can influence it that are not cancer and that it is not always reliable (and quite honestly, these days I wonder what IS reliable). It's good to hear that the bleeding has stopped.  Keep us posted on your procedures and take good care of yourself.
  • Posted

    Ah you poor thing such a worry .always something for women to deal with .just checking all is okay I am sure hormones are such a pain and leave u feeling upside down .what age are you?

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