Bobble head feeling & Peri

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Does anyone else get this feeling of your head feeling like a bobble head? All day today I felt off balance and my head gets this sensation like its nodding yes. Like in the back of the neck bobbling? I have to pull my chin in in order to make it go away.

So tired of dealing with all the peri symptoms everyday. Makes me just deflated.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh yes, and I also get the feeling of it being heavy at times. I agree. So sick of the peri symptoms. Im dreading the morning coming, thats when they are the worst for me.
    • Posted

      Yes I get the heavy head,it feels like it wants to pull back. Only slept an hour and woke up with dry mouth,tightness breathing and restless body. Came downstairs. Fed up with living like this .
    • Posted

      Yes exactly like it wants to pull back. I hope I don't have it tomorrow.
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      I myst try and go to bed now. Been downstairs for last 2 hours as I woke up and couldn't breath well. This is no life !
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      Hope you get some rest. I understand the problem breathing, im struggling with it right now. Its one of the most awful symptoms. I hate it.
    • Posted

      Yes, I have been trying to get answers now for almost 9 months. I don't think I have acid reflux, but there is a silent one that gives no symptoms. Maybe I do but don't know it. I went to the ER thinking I was dying and they ran so many tests, but found nothing wrong with why I had the shortness of breath. No anemia, or low B12 either. Its been with me since and it sucks big time. That, the anxiety and depression are the worst. If anyone knows how to fix it please chime in. Its miserable sad
    • Posted

      Omg me too. Its the hardest thing to actually believe that peri can actually make you feel so bad. Im into year nine of my peri journey and still find it hard to get my head round the fact that this is all hormones.

      Im currently five months with no period. Im just praying im coming to the end!!! X

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      Oh Michelle, I just can't imagine going through this for 9 years. My anxiety and nausea this morning is so distressing. Im ready to take a Xanax, its that bad, but hesitate as I dont want to be reliant on them. Im hoping it will pass.
    • Posted

      You will get through it. Just keep sharing on here. It helps so much. Im currently off my AD for three weeks so struggling some.

      Take ginger for nausea it works well.

      I get severe bouts of it as well. Even had two cameras down the throat.

      As for the anxiety well I cant really give you any advice on that. I just pray as much as I can read my bible and positive thinking books.

      Norman Vincent peale has some very good ones out there.

      As tough as it is remember this too shall pass.

      It's just a shame women are not told about the devastating effects of perimenopause x

    • Posted

      Yes it is a shame. And thank you for the tips. Prayer is a big one for me. I believe God is with me at all times and good will come from this somehow. The ginger does help, but when it gets bad, I just have to fight thru it. 

      Just curious why you aren't taking your AD anymore? I was given Sertraline (Zoloft) to take but I have a genetic thing called COMT and MAO-A that makes taking AD's very hard. I did find a study that compared Zoloft and Rhodiola Rosea and the effects were very similar but with no or very few side effects from the Rhodiola so I have been taking it and so far so good, the depression has been kept at bay. That was a tough one to deal with. I continue to pray that it keeps away and things will continue to get better. 

      As for the anxiety, yep, im still trying to find something other than Xanax that will help me. It gets downright nasty at times and the internal shaking is just awful. 

      Odd thing, is that generally by 5 or 6pm, Im feeling better and more like myself. Do you notice that as well? 

    • Posted

      yess I defo do notice I feel a biy better round that time.

      The internal shaking well what can I say!!!!

      It's awful.

      I decided to come off as I wanted to see how I was without them.

      Its been three weeks and not feeling so good.

      But I know withdrawal takes a while.

      Just trusting God. We will get through it x

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