Bonjour mes amis, need your advice girls
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My body aches all over, I mean it's just awful, neck stiffness, legs, ankles, wrists, I'm exhausted with it, not to mention my back? And my head too
I have started to take (as recommended by one of you gurus) vitamin B12 5000mcgs and Vitamin B6 150 mgs,
I would appreciate it if any of you have any real idea what could be going on with me
Is this part of Perimeno symptoms,
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jayneejay MrsMerm
yes i use to be like that 😓
hopefully the B6 and b12 will help when its established in your body
i also take menapol plus x 2 daily
Vit D
Magnesium both effervescant and spray
Vit E
Vit B 6 150mg
B12 injections
Vitamin C
i have a back issue anyway but i spray magnesium oil on my hand and rub in my back, its bliss in a bottle .. Used for menopause and sports pain 😊
jay xx
MrsMerm jayneejay
I feel just awful today, I keep getting upset and crying, I can't get some proper sleep.
jayneejay MrsMerm
yes i had periods of feeling tearful..
and so sensitive too, took everything to heart and was a right old mess at times.. Use to be a pattern of this feeling about every six weeks lasted a few days .. Use to say to people ' be nice to me i am feeling sensitive '
Horrid isnt it..
jay xx
MrsMerm jayneejay
I know I'm being pathetic but I can't help it
jayneejay MrsMerm
Vitamin E
This is an important vitamin to consider at the menopause. Over many years clinical studies have shown its effect on reducing hot flushes. Vitamin E is also helpful for vaginal dryness and one study showed that just 400iu taken daily for between 1 and 4 months helped 50 percent of the women given supplemental vitamin E.
Although most women fear breast cancer, our biggest killer is heart disease. There is now such a wealth of information on the beneficial effects of nutrition on heart disease and unfortunately HRT has been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. A study published in the Lancet showed that 2000 patients with arteriosclerosis (fatty deposits in the arteries) had a 75 percent reduction in their risk of heart attack when given vitamin E. At the time, researchers claimed that vitamin E was even more effective than aspirin in reducing heart attacks
MrsMerm jayneejay
I joined this site because I don't want to feel like I'm going through this thing alone, todays a bad day for me
jayneejay MrsMerm
menapol plus .. I take 2 x day
you get 120 for £11.69 or so
What is Menapol Plus™?
As women age, natural changes within the body can cause imbalances. This invigorating herbal complex contains a unique and comprehensive blend of key ingredients that may help to ease women through this uncomfortable transitional period.
Designed to help nourish and revive a tired body, our Menapol Plus™ has been specifically formulated from only the highest quality ingredients to ensure gentle yet fast and effective absorption by the body. Taken as a daily supplement it helps the body’s systems regain a natural equilibrium and maintain a balanced state of mind and mood.
A ground breaking formula
We invite you to try this expert formulation for women’s health. Each Menapol Plus™ EasyGest capsule provides:
Red Clover 500mg – our red clover extract is a rich source of plant oestrogens that are thought to mimic the female hormone oestrogen when in the body.
Liquorice Extract 500mg – extracts taken from the root of the liquorice plant have been used for thousands of years in Western and Eastern cultures, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine.
Dandelion Root 500mg – although many people consider this to be a common garden herb, dandelion root is rich in beneficial nutrients, including vitamins A, B, D, iron and magnesium.
Acai Berry 250mg – these much-loved super-berries are considered to be one of the most nutritionally complete foods in the world and boast an ever-increasing list of benefits.
Soya Isoflavones 20mg – naturally contains the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein; substances that are thought to act in a similar way to the female hormone oestrogen in the body.
Chamomile Extract 80mg – the active ingredients taken from the chamomile flower include essential oils and flavonoids, which as widely believed to offer calming effects.
CranRich 35mg – this highly concentrated cranberry extract provides 1250mg of fresh cranberries. CranRich is made using 100% whole fruit, including the skin, seeds, fibre and juice.
Siberian Ginseng 125mg – this popular herb is often referred to as an adaptogen, which may help to strengthen the body’s resistance to mental and physical stress, and boost energy.
jayneejay MrsMerm
well you not alone..
just a blip at certain times of month ... It will pass..
get lashings of supplements and eat well and all will be good
jay xx
and try as I might I can't get rid of the weight I am accumulating more and more
jayneejay MrsMerm
well B6 assists weight gain and B12 ..
see if i can post the benefits again
jay xx
Sudden drops in the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone result in the ending of menstrual cycles, and leads to changes in woman's physical and behavioral patterns. Women are more vulnerable to conditions like high blood cholesterol, depression, and muscle and joint pains.
They also have increased risks of weight gain, diabetes and certain types of cancer.
Because of these adverse effects of menopause, women beyond the age of reproduction years need to be much more attentive to their body’s welfare; taking supplementary nutrition, especially the B-vitamins, can effectively alleviate their post menopausal symptoms and protect women from heart diseases and cancer.
The following are the 6 reasons why women should take 1 vitamin B-complex every day during menopause:
look for a quality mega 100mg B complex that has at least 100mg of B6 in it.
Jarrows B12 5000mcg Cherry Flavour ' red label' the best strength for menopausal symtoms and boosting energy ..
B-Vitamins Prevent Weight Gain
Women after menopause have significantly slower metabolic rates than younger women.
All members of B class vitamins participate in cell metabolism and energy production.
Increased intake of vitamin B's can improve the body’s ability to convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy, so that less is stored as fat.
B-Vitamins Decrease Cancer Risks
Menopause does not cause cancer.
However, certain cancers, like breast cancer, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer, are much more prevalent in women past their reproductive age. Vitamin B's are involved in the replication and synthesis of DNA and RNA. Sufficient intake of these vitamins can prevent cell mutation and protect women from these cancers.
Vitamin B6 Prevents Cholesterol Coagulation and Maintains Blood Vessel Integrity
Vitamin B6 controls homocysteine concentration in blood.
Homocysteines are the “glue” that causes cholesterol to stick together and form plaque deposits.
Increased intake of Vitamin B6 can reduce blood homocysteine level and prevent cholesterol coagulation and plaque formation.
Taking an extra vitamin B6 significantly lowers women's blood vessels exposure to lesions and inflammations.
menopausal women should consider at least 100mg of B6 daily
Tazchurch jayneejay
Sorry your feeling off MrsMerm, hope get sorted soon
Taz xxx
MrsMerm Tazchurch
Do you feel like this too sometimes
jayneejay Tazchurch
i am okay hun.. Thanx..
how are you.. Calm i hope 😃
all be done tomorrow
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Bar that is the surgical menopause you mentioned. Got pocket dummies guide by the way.
Just having a roast chicken dinner my sister made for the two of us.
jayneejay Tazchurch
nothing after ten tonight to eat ..
only water to drink
okay 😊
jay xx