Bowel problems

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I guys I'm stressing out. Does anyone have bowel problem with menapause?

I have wind sounds and the filling I need to go to the toilet even after I've been. I have had a colonoscopy and scans and everything is fine. Would anyone know if it's the stress.

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi rosedee,

    Yeah my poor bowel suffers too.

    So full of wind and horribly constipated. I hate the thought of having to take a laxative continuously but lately I seem to need them almost every day.

    • Posted

      Thank you. I feel like I constantly have to go, but I don't. The wind doesn't course pain. I'm just stressing it's nothing bad. I stopped having wheat and occassionly I have some .

      Hope your feeling better soon.

  • Posted

    Hi. Yes messed up periods and horrifc gut probs whixh DO seem to be based ariund the fact i too feel like i never poop enough anyway. My gut wind is painfull too. Moves all ariund my digestive system sad
    • Posted

      Yes Ella,

      Agreed I seem to put a lot more in these days than what comes out!

  • Posted

    Oh yes, I keep terrible gas and constipation. I get pain with my gas and it moves all over the place. I'm either passing wind or trying to burp with indegestion. I believe it is another peri/meno ordeal.
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      A tablespoon of coconut oil "seems" to be clearing me out more in the mornings. Still got the gas and pain to contend with. Am on a high dose probiotic so will see if that helps
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    I don't have bowel gas as much as stomach gas. I have to belch constantly. I'm having an endoscopydone tomorrow. I also have low iron from heavy cycles so I am going to look into doing something to end my periods. I'm 53 and still menstruating. My EBV is acting up and I'm very lethargic. I've been out of work for a week so far because I did something to my back and have bad weakness in my left leg. Had xrays done and waiting on results. I feel bad for my hubby who has to listen to all my problems. I'm getting depressed!

  • Posted


    I don't have bowel gas as much as stomach gas. I have to belch constantly. I'm having an endoscopydone tomorrow. I also have low iron from heavy cycles so I am going to look into doing something to end my periods. I'm 53 and still menstruating. My EBV is acting up and I'm very lethargic. I've been out of work for a week so far because I did something to my back and have bad weakness in my left leg. Had xrays done and waiting on results. I feel bad for my hubby who has to listen to all my problems. I'm getting depressed!

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear what you are going through. Hope everything settles down. I had a hysterectomy for similar reason. I regret it now because it caused other things.
  • Posted

    Not to make lite of all  you ladies are saying because I have gas/wind and pains regularly and it can be very uncomfortable but I have to laugh because my husband can NOT believe what I am able to produce!! Be loud and proud ladies!! It is related  to menapause!
    • Posted


      My husband tells people I burp like a truck driver and it may seem funny but its quite uncomfortable and its not occasional. I would burp constantly for hours and I get pressure in my diaphragm. It's also embarrassing in public and work...

    • Posted

      Me too!

      i keep thinking the neighbours MUST hear me and think I must have a male visitors as noises that loud just SHOULDNT be coming out of a tiny female... Lol

  • Posted

    Hi rosedee

    Yes I have had a lot of bowl problems. There are a lot of foods that agrevate my symptoms like tomatos, dairy, that really agrevates my bowls 

    I have to eat bland foods or chicken noodle soup jello 

    Last night my bowls were acting up like crazy and i think it was the can tuna and the ranch dressing i had with my crakers last night 

    I have had a colonoscopy myself and everything does come back normal and no infections in my stool or stomach either so in my case its what i eat my medication and my diabetes and my thyroid can play a part in my stomach issues also stress and anxieties can play a role in stomach issues too 

  • Posted

    A good probiotic may help a lot, menopause seems to affect everything, I normally try to calculate when symptoms started and, by and large, I have noticed that when I turned 54 everything and I mean everything started. Its also when I had the blood work done to see what was happening and they told me that I was in perimenopause, then the 66 symptoms talked about here all started. 
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      I've been taking a probiotic everyday for a couple of years. While it helps my bowels it doesnt do anything for my indigestion and stomach issues. Having an endoscopy tomorrow. Hopefully everythings ok!

    • Posted

      I turned 54 and everything started. My doctor said that I'm in the peak of it at the moment and should start to get better soon. I hope .

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