Brain fog memory lapses & Hot sweats from Hell!!!!
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Hi Ladies,
How are you all doing? I’m going through a rough patch at the moment with dreadful
memory lapses/ brain fog and the Hot Sweats from Hellthe last couple of months... Here in Sydney, Australia our summer has been one of the hottest on record plus the humidity makes me feel like I’m dying... constantly sweating, feeling the hot flush start, honestly I feel like I have a volcano warming up inside me, it’s the strangest warm nauseous feeling before the sweat starts.... then the memory lapses, it’s the pits and it’s giving my hubby the S***S big time, we’ve already had a couple of arguments this past week over something he’s told me or shown me and I’ve drawn a complete BLANK and it could be half an hour since he told/ showed me something.... just today he said to me “you don’t listen to me” I’ve explained to him what’s happening with me but he doesn’t get it...... My anxiety goes through the roof when he asks me if I remember something as I feel he’s going to go off!!
How do you ladies combat the memory lapses and the dreaded sweats?
Take care everyone
PS: Any Aussie/ Sydney Ladies out there, drop me a line to say hi, would love to catch up for a coffee & chat 😊
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lisa67356 anna42582
I had this along with lots of other issues and have now gone on HRT and I must admit the fog is lifting after 16 days on it
I’m in the uk so weather is cold so at the minute i am only getting night sweats which I can cope with my biggest issue is anxiety, bloating and weight gain that is getting me down
d19606 anna42582
last year i just hated going out as i just sweated through my cloths all the time with hit flashes all the time. im not suffering so much in day now just at night. im blaoted alot and getting headachs, feeling tied got high blood pressure something i never had till this year so im putting it down to meno causi g it dr wont give me hrt . im fedup it stinks this time off life i dont know how they can say life begins at 40 its a lie mines totaly horrible and i feel old. im just 48 hate it.
dawn70425 anna42582
Hiya Anna ..really don’t enve you in Aus this time of year bless you..
I’m in the uk and last summer wasn’t that great here, but the hot flashes came fast and quick, I felt so embassied with them when your out shopping, and the sweat pours down your face, while talking to a shop assistant 😢 .. cringe.. then I have to say sorry I’m at that time in life.
I’m 53 and been going through the menopause now for 4+ years, I can’t gave HRT, so have to just get on best I can, but one thing I’m lucky for is I live alone ( not every one wants that) and so don’t have to answer to any one while I’m going through this crap, as sorry to say, if there was a man around, I would prob of strangled him by now ( sorry for that ) but all the ups and down we get, and oh yes the brain fog is alfull, I can be on the phone to my daughter and have to say hold on I for got what I’m saying lol... terrible it is,
We seem to get a new symptom every week, that we are having to cope with, no one can or will understand what we go through unless you’ve been there or going through it now... so I understand every step of the way on how you are feeling, it’s not just for a few months is it, it’s for years and years of crap...
Get your husband to read some of what we are going through on here, not sure tho, that they will ever understand how bad it is..
So sorry your struggling chic, try keep your chin up, keep talking on here, and if I was near where you live, I would defo be up for a coffee and a chat, big hug and take care 🤗xx
anna42582 dawn70425
Hi Dawn,
Thanks so much for your reply, it means a lot to me to know that I’m not alone going through this although sometimes I think it would be better if I was on my own.... I’m now 53 and have been going on the hormone hell ride for nearly 5 years, my Dr said when he diagnosed me with Perimenopause that it’s the best time of my life......?????? What a load of crap!!!! Everything has changed, I’ve changed and I hate being / feeling sick all the time. As for my hubby reading these posts, I don’t think it would make any difference, unfortunately sometimes he takes my memory fog as a personal thing that I’m deliberately not listening to him, it’s very frustrating to say the least.... the best I can do is take it one day at a time...
Yes, it’s a shame you live in the I’m, would loved to have a chat and coffee.
Thanks again Dawn, keep in touch.
Take care
Anna 😊
dawn70425 anna42582
Hi Anna.. yes I know what you mean with men taking this crap in... nooooo they don’t, all they have is a midlife crisis and go out and buy a sports car lol
We have had to put up with having periods every month, giving birth ( most people ) then the biggest crap in our lives called the menopause, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it..
I use to go out with friends every weekend, now Iv not been out for nearly 3 yrs, as the woman I once new in the mirror, is no longer me,,, I just want to lock the door away from every one, and how on Earth does some one say ‘ it’s the best time of our lives’ OMG are they insane🤪... it’s the worse time in our lives, your skin drys out, hot flushes, every bone in your body aches or clicks when you move, low mood, bad sleep, I could go on and on, and that’s fun.. mmm I really don’t think so..
And your right chic, just take each day as it comes, and each symptom as we get it, I so hope that one day this will stop, and our lives start again, as we are way to young to be living this crap called the menopause...
I’m always here, remember that, even if you just want to bend my ear I will listen to you, don’t feel you can’t talk, we are all here for you, and understand just how you are feeling.. please keep in touch to how you are keeping, you can private message me to if you ever wish you.. keep fighting we are strong woman and will get through this big hug 🤗x
anna42582 dawn70425
Once again thank you for your reply, it really does make a difference. Unfortunately I don’t have any friends to go out with and even if I did I would most probably think twice about it.... on the upside I have thrown myself into exercise and have lost some weight but I still don’t feel like me anymore, pimples, skin that feels like it’s on fire, mood swings, constant nausea the occasional bout of vomiting...yes, it’s all fun NOT!!!!
And yes, I agree with you on the body aches that appear from nowhere, it’s like our bodies are going through a major overhaul lol. I so want the old me back but I also think that once this is over we become stronger to the point that if we can survive Peri we can survive anything!
I will definitely keep in touch via PM and let you know how I’m going and you can PM me as well anytime. It’s so great to know that you’re not alone when you go through this hormone roller coaster ride from hell.
Take care Dawn, hugs to you too.
Chat soon
Anna x