breast pain

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Hello I'm 47 I have been feeling just about every symptom there could be to Perimenopause I haven't been to doctor to see if I am in Peri yet. However I am taking meds for underactive thyroid dosage still being increased each month. I have been experiencing breast pain in one breast from time to time anyone else out there have the same issue?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Donna 

    I got tender breasts one more than other in peri 

    But only just before a period a few days before it started.

    I had 10 year peri from age 40 i am 50 now post menopause. Natural no HRT just supplements.

    Vit B 6 is the most helpful i found ( 100mg)

    As for where you are in peri.. Depends on how regular your periods are. 

    The FSH blood test is always in normal range if your still having regular periods, not until you have say 3-4 periods a year will the result come back menopausal. ( hormones in peri are too erractic)

    If you take HRT or pill then also its not an accurate menopause result either as the natural declining hormone levels have been replaced and boosted up.

    Good luck hun

    Jay x

  • Posted

    Hiya Donna, i have been having pain in my left breast for 5 months, i am 58 and post menopausal, i have had a clear mammogram and i went for a breast scan two weeks ago, and nothing has been found. This problem keeps me awake at night and seems worse when i lie down. I have tries anti inflammatories off the doctor and Voltarol cream but nothing helps. Hospital say this pain is not uncommon with post menapausal woman but they dont know what causes it.
    • Posted

      Thank you for the information willow, 

      I hope it gets better for you smile

  • Posted

    Hi, Im new here - I also have pain in left breast.  No lumps or swellings just feels sore.  It will disappear for a few hours then come back.  Not so good at night and waking me up.  Im 64 and in good health.  I use weights and at first thought I had overdone it,  It first started about 6 months ago for a few weeks, then it was gone until a few days ago.  Docs next week, I didn't realise how many women get it until I started Google research. 

    Good to join a forum like this - it helps a lot.


    • Posted

      Thanks gwen! And welcome this is a great forum don't be s stranger. smile

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