breast pain

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i have been experiecing breast pain today in the left breast i know i am a worrier but anyone else having these symptons x

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    yes!  it’s normal.  i did this just few mo back actually.  it lasted few weeks and poof gone.  dont read too much into it. 

  • Posted

    Hi Kim.... Yes I do and it can be just the one breast or two and I end up looking for lumps and nothing.. then it goes.. And it's like muscle pain.. And I find them I massage them it eases a little... It comes and goes so don't worry as you ain't alone...hope this eases the worry a little... CK

  • Posted

    I have experienced this in the right breast.

    Trust me I know how scary that can be but

    I was fine. The anxiety that comes with this 

    Peri menopause is just the worst.😩

  • Posted

    Left arm and left breast, it's so painful, I think my period is about to come😣

    It seems to be the norm now

  • Posted

    Hi Kim.  Yes and welcome to the left breast club!  Lol.  It seems the left side is worse for some reason.  Most of the time mine is left...sometimes both.  It was worse when I first started peri.  I don’t have it too much now, but when I do, I am much calmer about it.   I cried and cried about it!!  
  • Posted

    Hi Kim yes to all of this x in fact I posted virtually the same message a few months ago ! I have started taking Agnus Castus drops x 20 drops at night it takes about 2 months to take effect but it appears to have massively reduced the pain this time (before period about 2weeks) x  hope that helps x
  • Posted

    I'm 44 and just started with the left breast pain. I thought it was part of this shoulder pain I was having. I have been going to the chiropractor and it has helped some, but the breat pain remains. I am so happy I found this forum b/c I have what appears to be this dreaded health anxiety. So of course I have been thinking I have breast cancer! But it seems as if this left breast club is a real thing! I'm 14 days late on my already irregular period, I am assuming now that this is part of my left breast pain and once I start it will go away. I am more then convinced that I am periodically and this stuff is a bunch of crap! LOL! Feel better and good luck!

    • Posted

      Oh Beth welcome x I’ve just had 2weeks of this, thinking the worst and the health anxiety oh my days! Then I woke up yesterday and it was gone, but I know it will return x I think it is linked to my period and it starts when I ovulate about day 11 for a couple of days usually but was longer this time x it is crap but we carry on don’t we x stay healthy x
    • Posted

      Beth, I have so been there.  I was 44 when mine started too.  Left breast, left clavicle, left shoulder blade.  I cried soooo many tears.  I am 46 now and rarely have it.  You are right.  This is total crap.  Why do we have to go through this?  I used to keep track of it on a menopause app, but honestly it was all over the place in my cycle.  I started taking vit E.  Since I rarely get it I just keep taking it...but it may have gone away on its own anyways

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