Breast pain

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Hello...what about pain in only one breast?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I have breast pains in my left breast, sometimes both breast are painful too. The pain is also in my ribs. It's kind of dull and achy. Sometimes it's a sharp pain It comes and goes. I've visited the doctor a few times but he advised me to wear a better support bras. It's a worry sometimes, but I can't feel any lumps or growth in my breast. I completely understand what you are going through. I am still in peri menopause.

  • Posted

    Oddly enough I never had this symptom until just recently. I am not even 100% if it's my breast or deeper in the chest wall. On Saturday I started experiencing an intermittent twinge in my left breast area. It feels like a quick ache and then goes away but it lasts intermittently for hours.

    I started bio-hrt 8 weeks ago and now I am concerned that it may be from this...ugh. I am going to give it another week and if it doesn't go away then I will reach out to my md.

  • Posted

    Dear ur not alone..i have this symtom last month ..pain in one breast and some times in nipples too .

    its one of peri symtom..

    i apply coconut oil to it..give some relief

  • Posted

    Do you feel pain when you touch your nipple?

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