Posted , 11 users are following.
hi lovely ladies havent been on in a while tjings are going pretty well at the moment. just one quesion anyone have breatjing and chesty problems with menapause xx
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Posted , 11 users are following.
hi lovely ladies havent been on in a while tjings are going pretty well at the moment. just one quesion anyone have breatjing and chesty problems with menapause xx
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gerrygerry karen96096
hi Karen
yes, i developed all kind of breathing issues. ended up being diagnosed with asthma (severe asthma).... chest infection after chest infection.... and now, miraculously, it all is so much better and the asthma and breathing issues seem to have disappeared.
These PERI and MENO symptoms really are something else...
wishing you all the best
karen96096 gerrygerry
yes i have asthma now to on 2 inhalers a day through menapause xx
gerrygerry karen96096
wow, thats amazing. me too, i'm on different inhalers.let's hope and pray that it completely disappears woth time
karen96096 gerrygerry
yes lets pray it does xx
Beverlys1 gerrygerry
HI GERRY, how long did all those breathing symptoms go on??? ive been having this at first i thought it was my heart cause of chest pain and shortness of breath, i am in the process of checking this out now, just hate all of these tests and doctors with all the strange symptoms❤️❤️❤️
gerrygerry Beverlys1
i would say roughly five years but it has greatly improved this last year. No shortness of breath or chest pain for about a year now but i did have a bad cough for months and months that then turned into pneumonia. but even during pneumonia i had no asthma like symptoms. the symptoms i've experienced have been incredible. just amazing! thankfully though i think i might be slowly coming out the other end . I think i must have had every symptom going: allergies, breathing issues, anxiety, sleeplessness, hairloss, bladder infections, headaches, general dryness of almost everything, dizziness , weight gain etc etc Most have lessened or gone away completely so i hope this one will too. wishing you all the very best!
Beverlys1 gerrygerry
thanks gerry the breathing thing is scary, im sure its an alergy asthma type thing i know it is...i am also coming out the other end pretty sure a lot of stuff feels alittle better but still some wierd stuff. i am 52 been going on for 5 years now myself... ive also had all the crazy symptoms like so many of us....take care
gerrygerry Beverlys1
yes, the breathing issues and allergy stuff has been extremely scary. often felt like i might die. What a journey... and to think that all i had ever heard of concerning menopause were hot flushes and weight gain. those two have been the easiest symptoms to handle of them all 😉 Some days i wish i had known about how it could be and others, i am glad i didn't.
take care and hope everything improves quickly...
tam34579 karen96096
My allergies are worse, prior to peri I didn't have much of an issue . My nose, head and chest are more prone to congestion. After I get sick it's harder to get over it. It just wants to hang around alot longer especially in my chest . Good luck to you
Beverlys1 karen96096
HI KAREN, I got a chest cold that would not go away with a lingering cough, then one night while dancing i got real short of breath and could not catch my breath started realizing i also had chest pain, SO I THOUGHT MY HEART... had it all checked out it was fine so started thinking my lungs... SEVERAL LADIES ON HERE HAVE HAD PROBLEMS WITH MENAPAUSE INDUCED ASTHMA AND THERE IS ALSO SUCH A THING, IM IN THE PROCESS OF NOW CHECKING THIS....OMG, WHAT NEXT❤️❤️❤️ THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER ONE OF MY EXPERIANCES SINCE MENO!!! SO I GUESS PUT IT ON MY LIST
royalty3008 karen96096
Going on 4 years of menopause has been a really big change in my life and anyone one else that has a chance of going through it welcome to the roller coaster ride. Yes I have dealt with the breathing and chest problems at the beginning of my peri menopause and than hitting that full blown menopause stage. it felt like I was dying. I thought I was having heart problems. High anxiety attacks. It is not very fun at all, I had no one to really talk too about it, so I went to the hospital emergency room. They did EKGs to rule out heart attack. Menopause turns your whole life upside down. I have learned to deal with a lot of problems that accompany this but wow what a whirlwind. I am just really thankful though that I did not get the drastic mood swings with it.