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Hi ladies
Does anyone get or had the breathlessness. I just do the simplest thing or walk a small way and I find it feels like I have done loads of activity. This is hard for me as I was so fit but not anymore 😕
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cathy55794 michelle46271
Hi michele..funny you would say that...I getthat all the time....sometimes I can do alot no problem and sometimes the least thing I do I'm winded...then the heart goes to pounding like over exsertion..feels like i'm constantly like too was so fit and full of energy
michelle46271 cathy55794
Exactly like you're winded and can't get satisfying breaths x
susan56920 michelle46271
I get the air hunger thing too ,.,. much more notieable when trying to get to sleep at night :-( this is hell. Also problems with throat - 2nd ENT appt soon. Also my neck has changed shape - I now have an adam's apple which is quite bizarre!!!! And neck very grindy too. Also tinnitus ... the list goes on ... hate all of these things and not one doc has said it's because of peri but it can't just be a coincidence that you hit age 50 and you start falling apart.
menopolized susan56920
A family doc told me to get ultra sound of my neck. It looked different to him.
He also brushed away the concept of hormon disbalance....saying how do the women in the village manage it.
susan56920 menopolized
Hello menopolized - great name!
How interesting that you say that. So did your neck feel and look different to you - or just your doc? What did the ultrasound show?
I've had ultrasound on neck - this was before I kind of admitted to msyelf that i was actually growing an adams apple type thing, e.g. the front of my neck is more bony that it's even been. Then a few months later I had a CT scan on that area, but scan showed nothing. The bony neck has kind of crept up on me over a few months - prob 6 months - it's really bizarre. Where do you live? I'm in the UK, Scotland.
dee53012 michelle46271
Have you had your iron checked lately? I used to get winded a lot. found out my iron was 4 and was supposed to be 47. I've been taking it now for almost 3 months and am lots less winded.
michelle46271 dee53012
Thanks Deer
I'm having blood tests next week. I'll check they are doing the iron. What exactly were your symptoms before you had the iron supplement?
dee53012 michelle46271
Boy that is a hard one, I have been sick my whole life, and likely iron deficiant all my growing up years. My mother never took us to doctors unless it was an allergic reaction . . .
besides being totally exhuasted and constanly trying to puch myself, i was foggy headed, unable to concentrate or learn, passed out a lot, very low BP, depression. the anemia I have is from celiacs. It is hard to tell where one ends and the other begins
michelle46271 dee53012
They are doing texts for celiac as well. I'm hoping they find something
pinkcatfairy michelle46271