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Does anyone else feel vacant like they cant formulate thoughts...just feel like my brains broken lol

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14 Replies

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    Yes, I had that a while back. I went from a hard core corporate mentality type to airhead overnight, it was quite hard to accept yet, I had no choice but to wait for it to pass but it didn't. Finally, about 8 months ago i was given a pill to calm my nerves and my brain function came back to the point where I was able to read a few books a week, my memory went sharp as a whistle and my acuity is on par to complete constructive sentences just as before.  If it weren't for that pill I might still be in broken brain stage, maybe, lol.

    • Posted

      What pill was that? I don't suffer from nervous anxiety, but I am suffering from an almost constant low level stress that is pushing up my BP. I know what most of the course is and there is nothing I can do about it at the moment. I hate taking any meds - but I hate this feeling even more!

      A month ago my husband and I had a lovely weekend away at a golf resort hotel with a spa (neither of us play golf but the grounds are BEAUTIFULbiggrin That undercurrent of stress followed me there. Even a full body massage didn't do much. I came back needing a holiday!

    • Posted

      Sorry - most of the CAUSE.rolleyes Dur

  • Posted

    Sorry, ladies this medication is prescribed as a psychotropic drug. It was given to me when I was having a panic attack and scared to death in fear for my life after some stalker weirdo threatened to kill me. So I doubt they'll give it to you. It's called risperdal..

    • Posted

      Ah ok thank you.......feeling barely alive today...periods just finished and just no energy.......
    • Posted

      Whenever I felt this way I would take a multi-vitamin. It always gave me back some energy after an hour or 2. If you have any you should take it. I'm a bit pickier I would buy the vegetarian ones but regular ones work good too which is what I take now.

  • Posted

    Yes...   I feel 'out there' like I'm just not with it anymore..  I didn't even care about decorating for fall/halloween..   And with X-mas-- just not sure.   I do push myself but really could care less about making dinner for the family..  I used to cook all the time..

  • Posted

    Oh yes...I definitely had that!  It was at its worst about a year ago.  I would tell my husband that I felt spaced out and like there was a disconnect between my brain and my thoughts.  I had trouble staying focused and could only read a few pages of a book before losing focus.

    I am thankful to say that now it is about 80% better and my brain feels much more "grounded".  I guess as our hormones adjust everything else does too.

    • Posted

      Thank yu so much tm that's really reassuring....

      That's how I feel, ungrounded...look forward to that......were you exhausted too?

    • Posted

      Oh yes...I would get bouts of extreme fatigue and all I could do was sit on sofa doing nothing. I'm happy to say the fatigue has also lessened. Still have days where I'm tired, but not as bad. I try to remember to take multivitamin with extra B vitamins, eat healthy and avoid stress as much as possible(easier said than

    • Posted

      Thanks again......just felt out of it last few days and just lying with eyes closed.....thanks for the reassurance xxx
  • Posted

    Try drinking much more water all day, and taking vitamins B-12 and B-6 in the mornings. I notice those all help me wake up my brain. Are you sleeping pretty well? Interrupted sleep over several nights really affects our ability to concentrate and remember. 

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