Broken sleep!

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I am now in surgical menopause and since my op in July my sleep is now broken every night. I did wake up on the odd occasion in peri but it is worse now, with me waking on average two or more times a night. I sometimes manage to get back asleep most times but on the odd occasion i dont. I now feel more tired in the mornings. I just wondered how others cope with this? I also get the hot flushes at night but not to the extent of soaking my clothes!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you spoken to a doctor about this? There are plenty of drugs that can help you get a good nights sleep, even break the cycle of bad sleep.

    I never sleep well even with meds, of course, and I cope by just...coping. Not very helpful I know! biggrin

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, no i havent been yet, I know the answer prob would be tablets or something. I tend to not want to take tablets if i can help it but i suppose i will have to go and see the doctor. It is such a change for me as i have always been a good sleeper, dam menopause!!
    • Posted

      I have been waking up at least 3 to 4 times a night recently. I am hesitant to take any medication for it also. I was a nurse and one of the things we learned in nursing school was that it is very easy to become dependent on medication that makes you sleep. 
    • Posted

      It depends on what kind of sleeping medication you take. 

      And that's not really a reason to not try it. Sleep is probably the most important thing to overall health. If you're not getting enough sleep, you can't really do anything else.

    • Posted

      In my opinion and from what I have seen in patients, anything that you take long term (be it Benadryl or a prescription sleep med.) makes it harder for your body to fall asleep when you stop taking it. They say perimenopause can last years and you don't want to use a sleeping aid for that long. Sleep is important to our health but I just wanted to throw that out there. Sometimes it's a case of you're damned if you do and youre damned if you don't.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. Yes this would be my main worry about medication. I suppose that at least i do manage to get back to sleep after waking, if it was a case that i didnt and spent all night awake medication would be an option.

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