
Posted , 6 users are following.

Have any of you ladies ever get a spot in shoulder blade that is like a burning...Not a big area but man it was painfull...Also get pain in left arm and it gets weak...so i dont know if its all from horse injury 3years ago and since im in peri and have more muscle pain its acting up??Horse bucked me off and i landed on wrist and broke it so i have plate and 7 screws and since wrist broke i had no support i landed on chin and ended up with whiplash also... so wonder if its joint pain and worse cause of peri...idk...Thank you ladies!!!!

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Laurie,

                    aches and pains, tell me about it, Meno!!!!

    try glucosamine and cod liver oil, may help hun

                                              Mrs M x 

    • Posted

      Thank you Merm i will....Just gets scary since it seems to focus on left side all the time and then anxiety had been goofy again lately...had heart and checked for stroke and all came back ok ...also been fighting sinus and then have had the runs for last week and started period so been one thing after another and think im just partly run down..what a joy ride....Not
    • Posted

      This menopause is the pits hun,

      I have cried like a fool twice this morning, BUT WHY and what for


      hope the stuff works for you

                                          Mrs M cheesygrin

    • Posted

      Yes i hear ya on the crying...theres times my husband is home and i try to hide it but its crazy how it just hits you....Thank you so much and take care!!!!
  • Posted

    Omg!!! Yes!!! Shoulder pain is one of mine chief complaints! I even went to an osteopath and got a shot of Cortizone, which didn't help at all. I know that this is related to menopause and hormones. I am going to acupuncture this week and hopes for some relief… But frankly, I have pain everywhere. That said, the shoulder pain is the worst and yes my arm goes numb and my hand gets tingly to. Here's hoping you find relief! I'll post if acupuncture helps smile
    • Posted

      Thanks Kim...Im goin to chiropractor this week so hope he helps...My ex husband and i had a lawn service and i did very hard manual labor like trimming around head stones and shoveling snow...If it was manual labor i did it while he sat on his bum so after 14 years of that my body doesnt like me anyway and now peri on top of it...no wonder i feel old...lol..hope you get to feeling better!!!!
  • Posted

    Yes Laurie, a pain to the side of the shoulder blade, towards the middle. I get a 'funny arm' too. A bit numb, and it goes to sleep when I sleep on my side. The physio says its a trigger point. I'm also often cold on my left side. All tests are clear. I was so scared when I first got it, I thought I was having a stroke. That was about 3 yrs ago, but unfortunately not found a solution yet. I have a lot of muscle knots and tight muscles which I put down to hormonal fluctuations for lack of anothe explanation. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi laurie,

    I get pains inside both shoulder blades and top of shoulder muscle just below neck. Also cracking of breast bone when I try to stetch the pain away. The only good news is that my painful knees when sitting down and gettin up from seats or even the loo!! , have finally seemed to have stopped . I am 8 months since last period and I am 53. Hope your symtoms subside soon !

  • Posted

    Yes. I had excruciating shoulder pain.  It came after a frozen shoulder started to resolve so I thought, what's next.  It was on the left side and went down kind of under the shoulder blade. Burning pain and so debilitating.  I tried everything.  We were visiting London at the tme and I went to a chiropractor there.  I described what was happening to him and also my history of frozen shoulder and he thought my problem could have been due to me using other muscles in that area to compensate for not having full movement with the frozen shoulder.  Anyway, he also did the technique called dry needling, a bit like acupuncture.  After the first session I would say I was 50% better.  Three more sessions and I felt great.  It involves freeing up trigger points and I am a huge believer in trigger point therapy now.  You can actually feel them loosen as the treatment happens.  It's wonderful.
  • Posted

    In the evening I take Osteocare original by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) the magnesium is for muscle pain & D3 is for bone pain. I have researched this as I had pain all over especially in my arms & neck & couldn’t bare the pain any longer it was driving me insane! I am so happy this has worked for me, it took a good couple of months to kick in but I feel like my old self again!
    • Posted

      Thank you Barb...Been wanting to try magnesium but my stomach is so sensitive and didnt know what to try for sure..My neck is also giving me fits on and off...will have to give this a try..Glad it works for you and your feeling better....hugs

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