Burning foot
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One week after starting bio cream I started have a hot left foot. I'm not sure if it's from the BHRT or if it's just another annoying peri symptom? Of course I googled it and it says it could be a hot flash of the foot, or naturally 5 other horrid diseases.
It's also strange it's just the top of my left foot.
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brendababy Guest
Stop googling Suzanne, I have burning in my feet on and off, it's quite a common symptom of hormonal imbalance
Try and ignore it, it will come and go with all the other lovely symptoms
Best wishes to you xx
Guest brendababy
I have pain going up my leg too now. Going to get it checked out today, don't want a dvt. I'd feel better if it were both feet.
brendababy Guest
Get it checked if it puts your mind at rest but I get the most severe pain in my legs, last Tuesday the pain in my left thigh was horrendous, I had the same thought as you had my hand on the phone to call the doctors but it went away after a few days
If your leg looks normal and is not red and swollen you will be ok
I know what it's like I have terrible health anxiety now and I am scared of everything, I won't take tablets cos I'm scared of the side effects 😳
Let us know how you get on xx
Guest brendababy
I'm just worried because it's one leg. The burning started when I was in California the week before last. I've noticed my foot and calf are a bit swollen too. Wouldn't be so worried if I hadn't just started the bios a few weeks ago!
brendababy Guest
We'll get it checked out if your worried Suzanne, there are so many crazy symptoms that mimick other conditions, the thing is to keep calm and remain rational, I used to let every symptom overwhelm me, now I've learned to take most of them in my stride,and not focus on them
I do still worry when I get a new symptom but not to the extent I did a couple of years ago when I would have a major panic and thought I was having a mental breakdown, I'm not doing that to myself again
Let us know how you get on Suzanne, I'm sure you'll be alright xx
Guest brendababy
Well, had the ultrasound and saw the vascular doctor. All is ok. But doesn't explain the burning in my foot and pain in my leg. Guess it's just no. 67 on my perimeno symptom list. Can't believe there are so many crazy whacky symptoms and that I am getting every single one plus more.
Thanks for listening and reassuring me. I hate overreacting but then it's always in the back of my mind that if I ignore something it could be fatal. Argh
brendababy Guest
That's great news Suzanne, something less to worry about. I know what it's like getting the symptoms and then focussing on them until you feel totally overwhelmed and more sick with worry
We're all in the same boat here so if there's anything troubling you just say and someone will be able to help or offer advice
Sending you a big hug xx